Email to Unkel 5/24/07
(too old to reply)
2007-09-30 23:07:41 UTC
Hey Uncle Je*,

I was on vacation there between 4/17 - 5/16. I spent the majority
of my time in Ma*, but also spent one day in Bagac, Bataan (4/28) and
also San Fernando, La U* (I think 5/5 - 5/10). The Manangs were there
about the last two days I was. Pao* & his family were also there
about that time.

The trip was very good, but it was way too humid. The humidity +
public commuting + lack of luxuries really beat me up. Ma* was
dragging me all over Manila. I enjoyed it very much, but I will
probably never vacation in May again. I'll probably just stick w/ Feb
from now on regardless of any relatives being there or not.

I did actually take my digital camera & digital camcorder, so I
have lots of pics & videos, totalling 4 DVDs worth!

Share w/ me any links to your media when you get back. Hope
everyone is well there and give my regards to all.

Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 7:46 AM
Subject: Hello

Hi R*,

What's going on? How was your trip in the Phil? Did you happen to
snap some pictures?

We'll, we are going home at the end of next month and possibly
spend most of my time in Manila. The rest of the family will be at
Cab*. A family celebration for your Grandma (B-day), a week after our

Let you know more next time. Say hi to the family.

2007-10-05 05:26:25 UTC
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