Chat w/ Mayumi 10/28/06
(too old to reply)
2006-11-12 06:32:43 UTC
mayumi_canuto: oh wow
mayumi_canuto: you are early
mayumi_canuto: yw
ablang: early? I thought it was 7pm now
mayumi_canuto: i love you
mayumi_canuto: downloading your pics now
ablang: I love you Mayumi
mayumi_canuto: oh yes it is
mayumi_canuto: 10.02 am here
ablang: I know
ablang: I'm always thinking about when & where youa re
ablang: are
mayumi_canuto: eat dinner first
mayumi_canuto: i can wait
ablang: I did
ablang: I came prepared
mayumi_canuto: me too
mayumi_canuto: good
mayumi_canuto: did you eat slowly?
mayumi_canuto: did you remember to chew slowly? ;)
ablang: of course not
mayumi_canuto: :-P
ablang: I don't have that stabilizing influence yet
mayumi_canuto: oh my
mayumi_canuto: hmmn
ablang: I ate in about 10 mins
mayumi_canuto: your lunch looks good though
mayumi_canuto: at Jack in the Box
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: my boss will love you
ablang: Yeah, It was expensive at $7.09 incl tax, but I wanted to try
the "real ice cream shake"
ablang: I had a coupon for a free upgrade of the drink to a shake if I
bought a medium ciabatta combo meal
ablang: why?
ablang: The shake was Oreo Cookie shake. Nice & thick. Had to use a
spoon to eat it with.
2006-11-12 06:34:32 UTC
mayumi_canuto: hi husband
mayumi_canuto: :-*
mayumi_canuto: Thank you for waiting
ablang: hi Yumi!
mayumi_canuto: >:D<
ablang: Let's hope this PC works now
ablang: hey sexy
mayumi_canuto: hi gorgeous
mayumi_canuto: yes I hope your PC responds well today
ablang: how's the view?
mayumi_canuto: there you go
mayumi_canuto: very good
mayumi_canuto: I love you too Ron
mayumi_canuto: see I am all fresh and fragrant
ablang: see the bottom?
mayumi_canuto: smiley face?
ablang: wink
mayumi_canuto: oh, ok
mayumi_canuto: I love you too Ron ;)
ablang: Thanks. I love you
ablang: I could say that 1000 times
mayumi_canuto: me too
mayumi_canuto: Look at Leia
mayumi_canuto: very pretty
ablang: muscle shirt
mayumi_canuto: ?
ablang: her arms are big
mayumi_canuto: we were watching our favorite DVD together awhile ago
ablang: The Cars?
mayumi_canuto: The Incredibles
ablang: oh
mayumi_canuto: you should watch that movie, really good
ablang: I think I tried once. Fell asleep
mayumi_canuto: everything is big with Leia, including her fingers and
her feet...hehehe
mayumi_canuto: you did not stay long enough to see the action in the
ablang: I must've been tired during that attempt
mayumi_canuto: the concept is really good
ablang: I don't love cartoons as much as I used to
mayumi_canuto: and it has some family humor also in it
ablang: and some celebrity voices no doubt
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: like there is this chicken movie Mel Gibson was the
voice of the chicken
mayumi_canuto: claymation
mayumi_canuto: so how is my husband?
ablang: I'm good. how are you?
mayumi_canuto: Mr. and Mrs. Incredible
mayumi_canuto: a family of supers
mayumi_canuto: I am fine baby, nice and fresh
ablang: Mr & Mrs Credible
ablang: I can see. Nice hair clumping
mayumi_canuto: still wet
mayumi_canuto: I could have taken a longer bath but I know I have an
appointment with you
ablang: Did you know that I am going to enroll in the school of Yumi
ablang: I'm going to take Foreplay 101
mayumi_canuto: hmmn
ablang: I want to eventually earn my M.R.S. degree
mayumi_canuto: accelerated to Foreplay 102
ablang: get it?
ablang: Mrs Degree
mayumi_canuto: alright
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: I think you are already getting warmed up with the
mayumi_canuto: getting advance hints
mayumi_canuto: you are the teacher's pet
ablang: You could say that I am trying to get in good w/ the professor
ablang: before class even starts
mayumi_canuto: yes, you are pretty early
mayumi_canuto: next year is when it officially starts
mayumi_canuto: practical exercises
ablang: the early bird gets the worm, or in your case,
ablang: you may get the worm
mayumi_canuto: the nest
mayumi_canuto: you get the nest
mayumi_canuto: I get the worm
ablang: can I roost in it?
mayumi_canuto: hopefully not a shy worm
mayumi_canuto: absolutely
ablang: I'm going to call it home
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: sounds good
mayumi_canuto: just be gentle
ablang: I will. Especially after I fall asleep in it
mayumi_canuto: sleep in my arms sweetheart
ablang: The juices will be glistening off the corners of my mouth
ablang: ;)
mayumi_canuto: it will be much better
mayumi_canuto: breasts feel softer than the tummy
mayumi_canuto: ay ang bastos
ablang: I'm sure all of you feels soft
ablang: you should hear my laughing now
mayumi_canuto: yes, I think so
ablang: you look gosh darn cute right now
mayumi_canuto: hmmmnn
ablang: very light
mayumi_canuto: i better bring plenty of face towels
ablang: and wet naps
mayumi_canuto: Leia is asking why we are both laughing
mayumi_canuto: hehehe
ablang: shall I draw a symbol?
ablang: :)
mayumi_canuto: had to screen the conversation from the child - practice
ablang: kids are smart. They figure stuff out fast
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: her naptime actually
mayumi_canuto: I hope she falls asleep pretty soon
mayumi_canuto: as mommy romances Ron
ablang: and vice versa
mayumi_canuto: rocket
ablang: sort of the good version of the phallic symbol
mayumi_canuto: alright
mayumi_canuto: she is busy now
mayumi_canuto: writing on the calendar with her pencil
mayumi_canuto: coast is clear
mayumi_canuto: loverboy
ablang: for now anyway
mayumi_canuto: so how was your evening? you got your chores done?
ablang: Yes. I narrowly finished my chores and had a few mins left to
test my laptop before 9pm
ablang: I wanted to be on time w/ you as always
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: you have always been good on that
mayumi_canuto: very consistent
mayumi_canuto: thank you
ablang: well perhaps a few mins late each time
ablang: misjudging boot times
mayumi_canuto: one of the reasons why I love you, you have good
influence on me
ablang: I forgot to thank you for granting me this 2 hrs
mayumi_canuto: this is alright, a few mins is tolerable
mayumi_canuto: there is no problem sweetheart, I love you to be with
mayumi_canuto: been wanting to be with you
ablang: I love time w/ you too
ablang: natural beauty
mayumi_canuto: the office will not take it in very well if I resign due
to marriage
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: I was thinking about that lately
mayumi_canuto: thank you, you are handsome yourself
ablang: you can tell them it's my fault
ablang: because you are pursuing true love to be w/ me
ablang: I can tell them for you if you wish
mayumi_canuto: which is always the better decision - love
mayumi_canuto: we can manage it sweetheart
mayumi_canuto: I will just do good in the meantime, as always
ablang: Okay. I should tell you something in advance
mayumi_canuto: which is?
ablang: 11/7/06, I will be working the polls 6a - 10p
ablang: We probably won't be able to talk that day
ablang: I'm sorry
mayumi_canuto: oh
mayumi_canuto: polls? is there an election?
ablang: Yeah, our state election, and we get to vote on some bills &
measures too
ablang: I volunteered (but still get paid) to try it for the 1st time
mayumi_canuto: oh
mayumi_canuto: that is good
mayumi_canuto: I am proud of you baby
mayumi_canuto: I also love helping out in the elections here
ablang: I'll be working one site (five of us), and 2 are fellow dept
mayumi_canuto: civic duty
mayumi_canuto: very good
mayumi_canuto: just remember to bring plenty of water
mayumi_canuto: and a jacket
ablang: and my own food
mayumi_canuto: and some food
ablang: It's going to be a long day
ablang: and night
mayumi_canuto: I wish I was there to help you
mayumi_canuto: I can tell
ablang: I'll be missing you sorely
mayumi_canuto: you will be pooped!
mayumi_canuto: can I call you occasionally?
ablang: beat tired
ablang: I guess so. I may not be able to talk long if at all
ablang: I don't know how busy it'll get
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: just I love you's and hello's is ok
mayumi_canuto: alright
ablang: and I don't know when my breaks will come
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: I will just leave messages for you
mayumi_canuto: so you can listen to them during your breaktime
ablang: If you want, you can call me before I wake, or just before
mayumi_canuto: if I cannot catch you
mayumi_canuto: alright
ablang: We'll be okay
ablang: a-okay
mayumi_canuto: I love you
ablang: I love you Mayumi
mayumi_canuto: I also heard there is a bush fire there in CA, done by
an arsonist
ablang: there's always that going on
mayumi_canuto: I love you Ron
ablang: <smooch>
ablang: you look precious
ablang: and darling
mayumi_canuto: thank you
mayumi_canuto: I know you like looking at my legs
mayumi_canuto: so I wore shorts today
ablang: pretty hot day I'm sure
mayumi_canuto: oh no
mayumi_canuto: rainy
mayumi_canuto: rainy day when King passed away
ablang: sorry to hear
mayumi_canuto: mother saw him inside his box
mayumi_canuto: Daddy was also a bit sad
mayumi_canuto: see I was noticing King yesterday
mayumi_canuto: he looked so sad
mayumi_canuto: sort of hanging his head
mayumi_canuto: my mom was saying he was really sick from the beginning
mayumi_canuto: had diarrhea when he came to the house
ablang: animals are smarter than we think
ablang: he probably realized his own demise was near
mayumi_canuto: perhaps
mayumi_canuto: rainy gloomy day
mayumi_canuto: my mom did not want Leia to know
ablang: is it cold?
mayumi_canuto: nor me
ablang: so what is she telling her?
mayumi_canuto: she had him taken away right away
ablang: he ran away?
mayumi_canuto: King went off this hole and perhas the neighbors got him
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: and you corroborate this story?
mayumi_canuto: I will tell Leia the truth though
mayumi_canuto: no
ablang: good girl
mayumi_canuto: I always tell Leia the truth
ablang: Kids are also smarter than we think
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: When will you tell?
mayumi_canuto: later
ablang: after church?
mayumi_canuto: before church
mayumi_canuto: poor puppy
ablang: might want to give grace period before departing
mayumi_canuto: I am sorry baby, did not mean to rub off the sadness on
ablang: Did you tell L about us?
ablang: the whole truth?
mayumi_canuto: yes, she knows about you
ablang: all?
ablang: and us?
mayumi_canuto: I know what you are leading at
mayumi_canuto: about the separation thingy she does not know that yet
ablang: I didn't mean that part yet
mayumi_canuto: but she knows that mommy is intending to get married to
Tito Ron
ablang: That should wait til I am there, or afterwards
ablang: yes
ablang: the separation part
mayumi_canuto: she knows
mayumi_canuto: she also knows you are in CA
ablang: which probably means nothing to her
mayumi_canuto: she knows a bit
mayumi_canuto: she flew in a plane already
mayumi_canuto: and knows that it is a long travel
ablang: very long, involving 2-3 layovers
ablang: to get that good rate
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: I do so love getting served on the plane
ablang: the tiny dinners on a tray
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: tiny?
ablang: to me
mayumi_canuto: heheheh
ablang: I could eat 3 of them
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: business class is for you
ablang: but 1 will do
ablang: much too expensive
mayumi_canuto: they even have flat screens for video
mayumi_canuto: on the armrests
ablang: even economy has that
ablang: games, movies, and music
ablang: Northwest Airlines
mayumi_canuto: good
mayumi_canuto: i think the diff is just the size of the chair
ablang: or you can read or sleep
ablang: to pass the time
ablang: and legroom and service
ablang: and probably food and drink
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: you probably get as much food and alcohol as you want
mayumi_canuto: alcohol and spirits
ablang: ale and wine
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: have an itch
ablang: I can rub?
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: guide my hand
mayumi_canuto: :))
ablang: hehehe. unmanicured hands
ablang: not even nail polish
mayumi_canuto: trying to scratch were it itches
mayumi_canuto: none
ablang: if L is around, can I still scratch it for you?
mayumi_canuto: they look great with the French tip manicure
ablang: I'm sure
mayumi_canuto: scratch what sweetheart?
ablang: whatever you're alluding to
mayumi_canuto: just my back
mayumi_canuto: that is one area i respond to
ablang: I'm going to have to ask you to remove your shirt
mayumi_canuto: when you touch my back
ablang: ;)
mayumi_canuto: up and down
mayumi_canuto: alright
ablang: kidding
mayumi_canuto: oh wow
mayumi_canuto: my leg is itchy
ablang: ooh allow me
ablang: so it is okay w/ L if we express our love for each other?
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: but keep it a bit wholesome for the child
ablang: yeow
ablang: just touching
ablang: and kisses
mayumi_canuto: you did not scratch
mayumi_canuto: you just watched me
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
ablang: I was transfixed
ablang: Imagining touching them someday
mayumi_canuto: alright
mayumi_canuto: the thighs are nice enough
ablang: you're going to think I have octopus arms
ablang: I'm sure
mayumi_canuto: this is our small living room
mayumi_canuto: half of it
ablang: looks deep enough to me
ablang: the fan appears far enough away
ablang: about 15'
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: you want to see the rest of the living room?
ablang: ok
mayumi_canuto: a rack for some photos and Leia's toys
ablang: ok
mayumi_canuto: that is elia
ablang: hey
mayumi_canuto: leia
ablang: no child pornography
mayumi_canuto: standing on the sofa
ablang: :0
mayumi_canuto: that is the door
ablang: ok
mayumi_canuto: yeah, Leia said no puwety
mayumi_canuto: she got shy
ablang: ok
mayumi_canuto: where the phone is, beside the false flowers
mayumi_canuto: that's it
ablang: whoa
ablang: simple living
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: Are there rats & cockroaches
mayumi_canuto: the tiles look nice though
ablang: clean grout?
mayumi_canuto: none that I see
mayumi_canuto: what is a grout?
ablang: the white in-between tiles
mayumi_canuto: none
ablang: the grout must be sealed every 6 months
mayumi_canuto: oh
ablang: that's grout
ablang: not white anymore
ablang: or is it one big piece?
ablang: of wall
mayumi_canuto: that is the floor
ablang: tile is a pain in the butt
mayumi_canuto: the spaces in between are pinkish to start with
ablang: especially on counter tops
ablang: ok
mayumi_canuto: welcome to the living room Ron
ablang: when do I get to see your bedroom?
mayumi_canuto: there is nothing much to show
ablang: I still wanna see
ablang: Don't be embarrassed
mayumi_canuto: maybe after Christmas cleaning
mayumi_canuto: alright
ablang: nakakahiya
ablang: madumi ang cuarto mo?
mayumi_canuto: not madumi, magulo
mayumi_canuto: disorganized
mayumi_canuto: lots of bags and boxes
mayumi_canuto: that need to be sorted out
ablang: my whole place is disorganized
ablang: It's a wreck
mayumi_canuto: that is good
mayumi_canuto: I like putting order to things
mayumi_canuto: when allowed to
ablang: I trust you not to throw anything away yet
ablang: until I have looked at the discard box
mayumi_canuto: no, I will tell you
ablang: ok then
mayumi_canuto: I am like that too with my mother
ablang: I find a lot of things useful later on
ablang: that is, if I can find where I placed them
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: we are the same
ablang: Erick finds is easier to go out and buy it than to find where
he put in in the house
ablang: :)
mayumi_canuto: plastic canisters are handy
mayumi_canuto: and so do plastic boxes
ablang: yeah, but also have to keep the floor clear
ablang: to vacuum around
mayumi_canuto: some plastic boxes have wheels on them
mayumi_canuto: like what I have
ablang: did you buy those?
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: at the market
mayumi_canuto: i saw some in divisoria
ablang: I get my empty boxes from work
ablang: printer paper
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: I tried paper boxes before/carton
mayumi_canuto: but they do not hold so well
ablang: yeah, my cats like to use them for scratching
mayumi_canuto: they sag
mayumi_canuto: and when wet, they will stain the papers and books
ablang: so I need to find replacement storage
ablang: yes
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: Did you know, I store most of my clothes in boxes?
ablang: cause I have no dresser or drawers
mayumi_canuto: oh baby
mayumi_canuto: you want me to buy you one here?
ablang: no
mayumi_canuto: easy storage savers
ablang: the shipping would be tremendous
mayumi_canuto: just frame and canvass and zipped up
mayumi_canuto: I set it up myself
mayumi_canuto: not really
mayumi_canuto: it is also ultra light
ablang: can you show me a pic of them?
mayumi_canuto: that is what holds my clothes now
mayumi_canuto: sure, np
ablang: I use a ice chest to store my socks in
ablang: believe it or not
mayumi_canuto: cheap too
mayumi_canuto: I bought it at SM
ablang: cool
mayumi_canuto: oh my
ablang: maybe both of us will need quite a few to
ablang: efficiently store our belongings in
mayumi_canuto: very good styles too
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: you sure they're cheap?
mayumi_canuto: I also have like an accordion type storage thingy
mayumi_canuto: you let them drop and there are compartments
mayumi_canuto: and there is a hook - you can hang this contraption
mayumi_canuto: useful to put shirts in, socks, undies
mayumi_canuto: they are cheap
ablang: hmmmm. sounds like something that came from the shopping
mayumi_canuto: 300 pesos
ablang: $6
mayumi_canuto: nope, in SM
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: just shoemart
ablang: hard to imagine putting lots of clothes in something like that
mayumi_canuto: there are also 100 peso ones in Divisoria - to hold your
pens, memos, the small stuff and letters
ablang: maybe it's a roll-em-up type of storage?
ablang: like a sleeping bag w/ pockets?
mayumi_canuto: yes, the small 100 peso one
ablang: cool
ablang: and maybe store your sewing stuff in?
mayumi_canuto: but the accordion type expands like cabinet slots
ablang: sounds neat
mayumi_canuto: yes, sewing stuff
mayumi_canuto: you look like you have a nice home
mayumi_canuto: we can make it nicer
ablang: I guess it's rather grand compared to your living room
ablang: it's just disorganized and dirty and smelly
mayumi_canuto: throw pillow cases here are also a steal - 3 for 100
ablang: thanks to the cats
ablang: mostly
ablang: dirt cheap
mayumi_canuto: they do wonders for the house honey
ablang: pillow cases?
mayumi_canuto: throw pillows
ablang: or my cats?
mayumi_canuto: and bean bags
ablang: bean bags here start at $30
ablang: new
ablang: we could enjoy a bean bag
mayumi_canuto: hmmnn
ablang: together sitting
mayumi_canuto: good thing we are not having kids right away
mayumi_canuto: it would be fun to fix the house, with your permission
ablang: yes of course you can
ablang: I can see you'll have to ship tons of stuff here
ablang: so we can save $$$
mayumi_canuto: and then mess it up again
mayumi_canuto: and then fix it up again
ablang: hehehe
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
ablang: just don't break the tables
mayumi_canuto: oh no
ablang: and remember there's no housekeeper to change the sheets
ablang: ;)
mayumi_canuto: I know
mayumi_canuto: there is always the washing machine
ablang: and I only have about 3 towels
ablang: in the place
mayumi_canuto: ouch
ablang: single guys live simply
ablang: I use 1 towel for 1 week
mayumi_canuto: i guess that one goes into the box too
ablang: wait. two weeks
ablang: the towels?
mayumi_canuto: I use min of 2 towels at a time
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: do you re-use them?
mayumi_canuto: hair and body
mayumi_canuto: yes, but after they are hung out to dry again
ablang: good
ablang: I was going to say
ablang: that maybe that's why you launder once/week
ablang: if you use towels daily
ablang: new ones
mayumi_canuto: Leia is not resusing hers
ablang: up to you
mayumi_canuto: the small towels
mayumi_canuto: so her laundry is min of twice a week
mayumi_canuto: reusing
ablang: I wonder why
mayumi_canuto: milk and perspiration
mayumi_canuto: they stink up easily
mayumi_canuto: and I do not want Leia to have skin problems
ablang: sounds like a bad combination
ablang: I do think chubbier people have perspiration issues
mayumi_canuto: how big is your bed baby? the bedsheets here also are
ablang: single
ablang: about 6' long
mayumi_canuto: babies in general need to be always clean
ablang: ok
mayumi_canuto: and they perspire a lot
mayumi_canuto: and smell like milk
ablang: eewwww
mayumi_canuto: do you have any preferred color for your bedsheet?
ablang: I'll leave it up to you
mayumi_canuto: your bedsheet will be cheaper because of its size
ablang: It's not like I'll showing it off to anyone
ablang: so my taste is not an issue
mayumi_canuto: not really
mayumi_canuto: but I would want you to want to lay down on it
ablang: I'll use it regardless
ablang: because you chose it
mayumi_canuto: if it is ghastly red I doubt if that would leave you
ablang: it wouldn't bother me
ablang: I'd wear anything you bought me
ablang: if you liked it
mayumi_canuto: I will chose something nice
mayumi_canuto: like the way you chose the wristwatch
ablang: fitted sheets
ablang: ?
mayumi_canuto: yes, with the garters at the corners
ablang: thank you!
mayumi_canuto: np
mayumi_canuto: sometimes they also come with free pillow cases you know
mayumi_canuto: ;)
ablang: you're buying for me actually is buying for us
ablang: you realize
ablang: :)
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: so you will have a matching set
ablang: good idea to bulk up in divisoria
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: stuff in my house has almost never matched
mayumi_canuto: i go there everyday
mayumi_canuto: you tell your Titas who know they will squeal in delight
ablang: we'll have to have a shopping spree before you come here
ablang: they can't find deals as good as you
mayumi_canuto: well, if it can be bought cheaper why not?
ablang: they just don't know
mayumi_canuto: and you just have to be creative
ablang: I'm with you
mayumi_canuto: even Leia's costume which I did on my own came out
mayumi_canuto: everything for below 300 pesos
ablang: you did it from scratch?
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: see I made these
ablang: roman head garb
ablang: All hail Caesar
mayumi_canuto: right
ablang: Emperor of Rome
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: they used it for the poem
ablang: cool
mayumi_canuto: the wire was 3 pesos
ablang: nice
mayumi_canuto: the ribbon was about 5 pesos
ablang: 6 cents
ablang: 10 cents
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: the leaves were about 25 pesos
mayumi_canuto: and I did not even consume the entire thing
ablang: perhaps only electronics is cheaper here
ablang: will you make me something next year?
mayumi_canuto: hehehe
mayumi_canuto: costume party?
ablang: probably
mayumi_canuto: i have some leftover, I can use them for Christmas
ablang: at the grocery store today, I saw a bloody woman in a toga
mayumi_canuto: just buy red ribbons
ablang: I meant a costume for me
ablang: from my wife
mayumi_canuto: ohhhh
mayumi_canuto: alright
mayumi_canuto: simple thingy
mayumi_canuto: depends on what you like
mayumi_canuto: we can look over the internet
ablang: I don't know what I like
mayumi_canuto: I used to make props for theater
ablang: neat-o
mayumi_canuto: in College
mayumi_canuto: and get paid for it too
ablang: you are quite resourceful
ablang: at making money
mayumi_canuto: I sometimes plan for a set
ablang: you're turning me on
mayumi_canuto: we need to be resourceful
mayumi_canuto: I was not born rich so I have to be
mayumi_canuto: so I can buy what I need/want
ablang: I'm exactly the same
mayumi_canuto: I did a noodle ad edit a month ago, simple really and I
got 500 pesos for it
mayumi_canuto: easy money
ablang: can you still do writing/editing jobs when you are here?
mayumi_canuto: i hope so
mayumi_canuto: maybe in reverse, Tagalog
ablang: I think you can
ablang: they can just wire money to your account BPI
ablang: and you can email reports
mayumi_canuto: perhaps
mayumi_canuto: i know there are Fil Ams there who need a tutor for
Tagalog lessons
ablang: I don't know how much they're willing to pay
mayumi_canuto: lots of possibilities
ablang: cuz some colleges are starting to teach that
ablang: I think my brother is taking one
mayumi_canuto: I can teach part time
ablang: ok
mayumi_canuto: better get a Pinoy teacher right?
ablang: of course
ablang: you don't get a Mexican guy to cook your Chinese food, right?
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: a good way to put that, yes
ablang: we saw that in a casino resto once
mayumi_canuto: until I get a more permanent job
ablang: Sonia says you will have no problems due to your
ablang: corporate experience
mayumi_canuto: that is good to hear
ablang: what's that about?
mayumi_canuto: just a peck on the cheek
ablang: selous
ablang: ako
mayumi_canuto: hehehe
mayumi_canuto: Ron I promise to give you a lot
mayumi_canuto: lots and lots
mayumi_canuto: no holds barred
ablang: I promise to try to keep up
mayumi_canuto: sometimes what you need is to sit back and enjoy
ablang: I can do that
ablang: until you try to unbutton my pants
ablang: ;)
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: i will do that you know
ablang: My hands are going on your hands
mayumi_canuto: and shake hands with soldier
mayumi_canuto: or shall I say shake the soldier
ablang: kidding
mayumi_canuto: I love you
mayumi_canuto: not just because of the sexual aspect
ablang: I love you Mayumi
ablang: me too
ablang: I really just want to be w/ you
ablang: pure intentions
mayumi_canuto: me too
mayumi_canuto: just start my life with you
ablang: w/ no ulterior motive
ablang: why waste time?
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: I agree with you
mayumi_canuto: it has been long overdue really
ablang: no motives. My agenda is clear and simple
ablang: Just to have you by my side, ad infinitum
mayumi_canuto: :))
mayumi_canuto: sounds mathematical
ablang: I think it means forever, or eternally
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: infinity
ablang: eternally yours
mayumi_canuto: my Ron
ablang: MyYumi
mayumi_canuto: I find it hard to wink
mayumi_canuto: hehehe
ablang: It comes easily for me. I find myself
ablang: doing it unintentionally to everyone
ablang: man or woman
mayumi_canuto: oh my
ablang: at least in Phils
mayumi_canuto: muscle ticks?
mayumi_canuto: hehehe
mayumi_canuto: Leia is asleep now
ablang: no just easy-going happy-go-lucky feeling
ablang: ok
mayumi_canuto: on the couch behind me
ablang: no traffic there?
mayumi_canuto: see? she is a good girl
ablang: just pooped out
mayumi_canuto: none
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: that is why she wanted a kiss awhile ago
ablang: I mean foot traffic
ablang: I want one too!
mayumi_canuto: none
mayumi_canuto: i thought you wanted something else
ablang: got it!
mayumi_canuto: very good
ablang: it's a start
mayumi_canuto: sorry tried to do a quick fix on the stuffs lying around
ablang: how's that?
mayumi_canuto: just moved the coffee table and the chair
mayumi_canuto: got some slippers lined up
ablang: don't break anything
ablang: Troopa?
mayumi_canuto: nope
mayumi_canuto: I got that stuffed toy for free - 2 of them
ablang: how?
mayumi_canuto: when Leia was small, I exchanged them from diaper
mayumi_canuto: those were delivered to the house
ablang: amazing
mayumi_canuto: my husband is tired
ablang: do I appear listless?
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: you need your milk too?
ablang: yes
ablang: feeding time
ablang: V-neck
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: before bedtime
mayumi_canuto: too white
mayumi_canuto: you can't see don't you?
ablang: missed it
mayumi_canuto: I feel shy now
mayumi_canuto: maybe just the back
ablang: ok
mayumi_canuto: too white
mayumi_canuto: you can't see it
ablang: very nice
ablang: good boobies
mayumi_canuto: now you do
ablang: or I should say boobage
ablang: is that your Mom behind you?
mayumi_canuto: no leia
ablang: kidding
mayumi_canuto: asleep on the couch
mayumi_canuto: she puts a pillow at her feet
mayumi_canuto: the Ariel pillow
ablang: blue BBs
mayumi_canuto: wow
mayumi_canuto: my husband
mayumi_canuto: you are so handsome
mayumi_canuto: I love you
ablang: thank you
ablang: I love you Mayumi
ablang: like my puwet?
mayumi_canuto: mah hump mah hump
mayumi_canuto: I like to touch the puwety
mayumi_canuto: i need to see more skin
ablang: wouldn't you like to smack that ass?
ablang: ;)
mayumi_canuto: but maybe in person
mayumi_canuto: pinch
ablang: that's hot
mayumi_canuto: and massage
ablang: heheheh
mayumi_canuto: =D>
mayumi_canuto: they are so maputi
mayumi_canuto: I can tell I will be touching them a lot
ablang: I didn't want to do too much in case someone walked in on you
mayumi_canuto: caressing them
ablang: yeah, they need to be tanned
ablang: they never see the light of day
mayumi_canuto: hmmnn
mayumi_canuto: no one walking here
mayumi_canuto: i am facing the corridor
mayumi_canuto: I can tell if they will be passing by
ablang: I'd show you everything, but I
mayumi_canuto: they will need to pass in front of me
ablang: prefer that you see it for real first
mayumi_canuto: np
ablang: is your face natural?
ablang: no makeup?
mayumi_canuto: nope
mayumi_canuto: no make up
ablang: even the lips?
mayumi_canuto: and this is natural sunlight
mayumi_canuto: no, none
ablang: incredible
ablang: so luscious
ablang: w/ a nice tinge of pink
ablang: so oh so very kissable
mayumi_canuto: one last thing to show
mayumi_canuto: hang on please
ablang: ok
ablang: rotate it
ablang: pls
ablang: holy
ablang: it's tiny
mayumi_canuto: that is at the back
ablang: is that comfortable for you all day?
mayumi_canuto: at the front it is a...
ablang: butterfly
mayumi_canuto: alright
mayumi_canuto: that is good enough on clean days
ablang: comfy?
mayumi_canuto: and on pants that are a bit tight
mayumi_canuto: or skirt
ablang: or do you keep picking on it?
mayumi_canuto: ok enough
mayumi_canuto: not really
ablang: to pull down
mayumi_canuto: well the other ones are more comfy
mayumi_canuto: the cotton ones
mayumi_canuto: the black, pink and white ones
ablang: I couldn't imagine something going in between my butt cheeks
mayumi_canuto: well tight pants have the same effect
ablang: kuyukot
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: normal guys don't wear tight pants
ablang: b/c it restricts circulation for soldier
mayumi_canuto: :))
mayumi_canuto: I understand
mayumi_canuto: these are for ladies
ablang: and no room for expansion
mayumi_canuto: we have deeper kuyukots I think
ablang: means temporary pain
ablang: probably
mayumi_canuto: you are sleepy I can tell
mayumi_canuto: I wish I could have you months ago
ablang: My wishes get stronger as time goes on
mayumi_canuto: wishes like?
mayumi_canuto: I care for you too
ablang: simple wish, just one actually
ablang: i'm sure you could surmise it
mayumi_canuto: be united to each other
mayumi_canuto: my wish too
mayumi_canuto: my prayer each time
mayumi_canuto: I see you sweetheart
mayumi_canuto: this is so hard
mayumi_canuto: being away from the other half of me
ablang: i know
mayumi_canuto: I got that
mayumi_canuto: to have Yumi as Mrs. Ablang
mayumi_canuto: yes, that is what I want too
ablang: to be reunited permanently
mayumi_canuto: I want to cry again today
mayumi_canuto: I really miss you
ablang: I know you'll be good for me
mayumi_canuto: unlike Nilda I will not only be buying you shirts
ablang: I'll live longer w/ you in my life
mayumi_canuto: but other things as well
ablang: they have very fixed incomes
mayumi_canuto: long and happy life
mayumi_canuto: blessed and contented life
ablang: long and happy wife
ablang: to give her little babies of her very own w/ me
ablang: someday
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: even if it would just be one
ablang: 2, maybe 3
mayumi_canuto: if God gives me one from you I will feel fulfilled
mayumi_canuto: yes God willing
ablang: as long as they could school in PI for college, we could swing
mayumi_canuto: they will be fine honey
mayumi_canuto: and they will perform well
mayumi_canuto: they have the best of both cultures
ablang: but what if none of them want to be managers
ablang: to go to Ateneo
mayumi_canuto: there is a doctor's school coming up
mayumi_canuto: and engineering is also in Ateneo now
mayumi_canuto: school of engineering
ablang: nice
mayumi_canuto: plus others
ablang: okay
ablang: how much is tuition today?
mayumi_canuto: I heard last night see Ateneo is guaranteed job
mayumi_canuto: unlike UP sometimes
ablang: in PI or in the world?
mayumi_canuto: I think 60,000 per sem
mayumi_canuto: PI for sure, do not know about the rest of the world
ablang: dirt cheap
ablang: that's how much my education cost
ablang: in cheapie college
mayumi_canuto: I heard that med school is double of that
ablang: got me nowhere
ablang: here? way more than double
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: Some universities cost $12,000 per year
mayumi_canuto: and this is already the best school here
mayumi_canuto: and the students come out with morals and character
mayumi_canuto: good mix with intelligence
mayumi_canuto: yes, I heard
ablang: I like the idea of our kids having character and ethics
ablang: raised by us
mayumi_canuto: plus they can stay in Marikina where it is near
ablang: yeah, and there are relatives there already
mayumi_canuto: I am glad you agree sweetheart
ablang: I couldn't afford to school them here
mayumi_canuto: that is right
mayumi_canuto: we will both work for their education my husband
ablang: college is where most parents leave kids on their own,
mayumi_canuto: I may not be able to bequeath wealth, but at least very
good education
ablang: my college now charges $2,000 per semester
mayumi_canuto: here at least up to College, we support our children
mayumi_canuto: goodness
ablang: crooked politicians found out they could make more money
mayumi_canuto: oh my
mayumi_canuto: we also better make the kids engage in sports
mayumi_canuto: so they are well rounded
ablang: only difference is, they don't line their own pockets
ablang: yes
ablang: I agree
ablang: balance is essential
mayumi_canuto: very good
ablang: I don't want them to be awkward and uncoordinated like me
mayumi_canuto: you are fantastic sweetheart!
ablang: and shyaway from social gatherings
ablang: like I do
mayumi_canuto: my husband
ablang: I do want better for them so long as we can afford it
mayumi_canuto: I agree
mayumi_canuto: I did not also have much while I was growing up
mayumi_canuto: had to do with what I had
mayumi_canuto: I will be happy if the kids could at least have more
flexibility than me
ablang: you mean lift their foots higher than you?
ablang: ;)
mayumi_canuto: hehehe
mayumi_canuto: you know what I mean
mayumi_canuto: I wanted to be gymnast
mayumi_canuto: when I was Leia's age
mayumi_canuto: or learn ballet
mayumi_canuto: but those were expensive hobbies
ablang: I fantasized about doing the pummel horse
ablang: or the rings
ablang: I fantasized about being a pairs figure skater
mayumi_canuto: it's alright
mayumi_canuto: our kids will pick off where we left off
mayumi_canuto: heheheh
ablang: ice skating w/ a petite 95-lb woman
ablang: lifting her above my head
mayumi_canuto: they will have good bodies I see
mayumi_canuto: sounds like your sister Cher
ablang: ewww
mayumi_canuto: :))
mayumi_canuto: do you know how to skate?
mayumi_canuto: or play chess?
ablang: I used to rollerskate and play chess
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: sounds good
mayumi_canuto: I have never tried those
mayumi_canuto: my brother is a good chess player
ablang: it takes a lot of practice to be good
mayumi_canuto: I agree
mayumi_canuto: aha, you passed your bedtime already
mayumi_canuto: you are starting to itch all over again
mayumi_canuto: hehehee
mayumi_canuto: must be the cold weather
mayumi_canuto: you need a moisturizer
ablang: i think i just need you
mayumi_canuto: i can provide moisture too
ablang: i'm sure that you can
mayumi_canuto: I want to take care of you Ron
ablang: i want that too
mayumi_canuto: cam is frozen
mayumi_canuto: oh my
mayumi_canuto: I love you husband
ablang: will you tuck me in?
ablang: I love you wifey
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: and kiss me?
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: where?
mayumi_canuto: you said I want 2b in good with Yumi?
mayumi_canuto: kiss you where it hurts
mayumi_canuto: or where you want me to
ablang: it hurts all over ;)
mayumi_canuto: alrighty
mayumi_canuto: i will kiss you all over then
ablang: Did I tell you we do the fleamarket all the way up to the last
weekend before X-mas
ablang: and then stop?
ablang: too cold then
mayumi_canuto: oh my
ablang: i'm keeping this one
mayumi_canuto: I better get your stuff in early
mayumi_canuto: the dried mangoes will be phenomenal
ablang: I hope they're still edible
mayumi_canuto: in other words, I need to ship your gifts early
mayumi_canuto: of course
ablang: do you? I don't see why
ablang: i'm not hinting or anything
mayumi_canuto: you need to use some stuff for christmas
ablang: oh i see
ablang: shall I say good night?
mayumi_canuto: or I can do 2 boxes maybe
mayumi_canuto: we will see
mayumi_canuto: I will let you know
mayumi_canuto: you need to sleep now sweetheart
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: you really look tired already
mayumi_canuto: but handsome still
ablang: I was. Biking to and back from grocery was tiring
mayumi_canuto: I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH RON
ablang: it was like my back tire was losing air
mayumi_canuto: me too
mayumi_canuto: it hurts me everytime
ablang: everytime?
mayumi_canuto: I say goodbye
mayumi_canuto: and everyday that I cannot hold you nor kiss you
ablang: Don't think of it as a goodbye, but a "til next time"
ablang: yeah, that part is tough
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: and I am hopeful
mayumi_canuto: and look forward to our plans next year
ablang: It's the easiest way for me to express my love for you
ablang: is w/ how I hold you and greet you
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: I love you husband
mayumi_canuto: thank you for making me feel loved
ablang: and the ways I touch you throughout the day
mayumi_canuto: and happy
ablang: People will be jealous watching how I treat you
ablang: the little ways I show my wife how much she means to me
mayumi_canuto: yes, I will take care of you too husband
mayumi_canuto: thank you for making me feel pretty all the time
mayumi_canuto: even on my crummy days
ablang: that's mostly you looking pretty
ablang: i just say how I feel
mayumi_canuto: some people see it and feel it but do not say it
mayumi_canuto: so I love you for saying that to me
mayumi_canuto: and for appreciating me
ablang: I stopped making that mistake
ablang: by letting you know daily
ablang: how I feel about you
mayumi_canuto: very good
mayumi_canuto: I love you
ablang: I love you Mayumi
mayumi_canuto: I am so very blessed to have you
ablang: as am I
mayumi_canuto: my sleepy husband
ablang: my sexy wife
mayumi_canuto: my adoring handsome husband
mayumi_canuto: who deserves a massage
ablang: my gorgeous teasing wife
mayumi_canuto: yeah
mayumi_canuto: neighbor gave spaghetti and lumpiang shanghai
mayumi_canuto: must be a birthday
ablang: lucky
ablang: I hope it's better than Goldie's
ablang: like you said they're so-so
mayumi_canuto: you are so handsome!
mayumi_canuto: we will see
ablang: thanks
ablang: eat well for me
mayumi_canuto: you turn me on
mayumi_canuto: I will sweetheart
ablang: you really do for me
mayumi_canuto: I want to give you a tight squeeze
ablang: you may someday
mayumi_canuto: yes, I need to, or else I might lose my mind if I cannot
have you
mayumi_canuto: I love you so much
ablang: Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be there for you.
ablang: Love you
ablang: I'm devoted to you
mayumi_canuto: I love you
mayumi_canuto: say goodnight baby
ablang: Goodnight baby
mayumi_canuto: >:D<>:D<
ablang: mwah
mayumi_canuto: :-*
mayumi_canuto: love you
ablang: love you. bye
mayumi_canuto: bye
mayumi_canuto: good night
ablang: night
