CSUS Electrical Reunion
(too old to reply)
2007-02-24 16:08:31 UTC

Thanks very much for remembering me for the invite. I was hoping
that this was going to be the email where we get together w/ Ian and
play games. Whether it was or wasn't, unfortunately I will not be
able to attend this time. I am trying to get all my funds in order
and organize what little time I have left in my personal life to
prepare to take a vacation back home and unite w/ the future missus.
I know you and the gang won't hold it against me for pulling a mini-
Chanth, but I am trying to improve my future by taking that very
important step forward in finding my best friend, my girlfriend, my
partner, my lover, my wife, the mother of my children, and the future
Mrs Ablang.

Please give my regards to the gang.


From: A
Sent: Thu 2/22/2007 1:32 PM
Subject: Fw: CSUS Electrical Reunion

Hey R*,

Howz everything going for you these days? I haven't chatted with you
quite a while. Things are going good for me. As you can see from the
e-mail that I am still working at Caltrans.

I apologize for the short notice on this. I almost forgot all about
until John sent a reminder message earlier this morning. You are more
welcome to join us on this coming Saturday (Feb. 24th) evening at
ish at Steve's Pizza on Howe Avenue if you are available. It would be
and cool to get together and catch up on things with the CSUS
crew. I am planning on going. Let me know either way if you are
interested in going or not. Also, if you are interested in going and
like to car-pool, then that would be cool as well. Just let me know.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,
A, P.E.


Hello everyone,

It looks like we have quite a bit of a scheduling conflict for the
Apparently as Mr. Hiratsuka tells me it happens to align with Chinese
Years. So instead of cancelling this get together I've decided to
push it
back a week and hopefully this resolves most of the conflicts. I
know Mr.
Bartley should be able to make this day. For those of you who have
responded to my email thank you I appreciate it, and for those of you
have (ERIC HUDSON) your response would be appreciated. So as it goes
new date is the 24th at Steve's Pizza on Howe, about 6:00 PM.

Look forward to seeing most of you there. Feel free to invite
Vern you can invite R* if you want. Corey and I have located Bill
a.k.a Mr. Mumbles, he works at Fry's ElectR*ics now. We'll see if we
get him to go along. Believe it or not he's actually working on his
Masters in Electrical Engineering (Power). That's right I did say
and not Xerox copying.

Caltrans,Transportation Engineer

Hello my fellow peeps. It's been a while since we've all gotten
I thought it would be nice to get together, catch up, and share on
some old
times. I'm thinking about Saturday the 17th, at Steve's Pizza on
about 6:00 PM. It would be great if you guys can make it. Of course,
free to invite others.

Caltrans,Transportation Engineer
Electrical Design
2007-02-25 20:21:06 UTC
Hey R,

I wish you could make it tonight, but I understand why you are not
able to make it tonight and understand the importance of what you are
preparing for. I wish you the Best on your vacation and on your
journey to finding your soulmate. I will send your regards to the
gang this evening.

Stay in touch and take care buddy.
