Email from Mayumi 10/10/06
(too old to reply)
2006-10-30 21:05:15 UTC
From: Mayumi Canuto
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:15 AM
Subject: My Other Number and other updates from Yumi

Hi baby,

Feeling so tired today - everything went by so fast for me after
you retired for the night. And we had to do some more picture taking on
Thursday morning! I frankly am not up to it anymore. I just want it
done and over with already!

I think it is beginning to rain documents on me because this
would be the last quarter of the year. I hope things clear by the time
you arrive. I am not getting my hopes up yet on the Feb arrival - until
we get feedback from Cher. I would much rather stay on the conservative
end (even if it means a longer time to wait).

Thanks again baby for your package (for me and Leia). Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you! I was really more delighted with your presents.
My boss' gifts was just icing on the cake. She knows that I make her
look (and feel ) good, just like the rest of the team, so I guess she
is showing her appreciation. Mind you, she also gives a lot of work!

My Blackberry by the way has a SMART SIM - so that leaves you
with more options when you select your mobile phone provider for next
year. Either Globe or Smart, I have it. The number is (+63) 0928 -

Let me reiterate, others here are refusing the Blackberries as
these would mean work hounding us up to the house.

I love you husband Ron. Just dropping a little sweet note for you
( I know I have not been writing regularly as you do, more so the past

I love you so much!

PS Would be delighted to start my own shopping for you soon sweetheart.

2006-11-01 23:56:04 UTC
Dear Mayumi,

Just by reading your 1st paragraph, I can see that I might get
on your nerves because I'd want to keep taking pictures of my beautiful
wife many many times over. Some of just you and more of us. I will
hope that you can keep an open mind that I want lots of things that I
can take w/ me, and the pictures of us together will someday help us in
the application process so that my wife can join me and we can be

I think I will go the indirect route and call my cousin Paolo
and see if he can tell me for sure about the definitive date. I guess
the San Diegans are finally coming to their senses, b/c their weather
only gets as worse as Phils during Feb. I know they would have
suffered in April much more than I would have. In Sac, we have gotten
temps of as high as 111 F.

From what I know from doing research and talking w/ other
people, it costs me more to call a cp than a landline, so I probably
won't be calling your cell much from here. So that leaves me w/
calling you during work (and risking catching you at a bad time) or
calling you at home (and risking the ire of your family by calling too
late). I will call your cp when I am in Phils though.

I talked about the Samsonite w/ a couple of guys at work and
that re-affirmed my decision to want one from you. One guy would've
killed to have one of those. I'm glad that we can use our present
situations (living in separate countries) to help each other out.

I don't want you to worry about having called me this morning
in the middle of a meeting, of which my presence was non-essential
anyway. I just politely excused myself and left. Doug walked into the
breakroom on his cp and saw me there towards the end of our
conversation. Nothing more occurred of his noticing my presence
missing. I just don't want you to doubt your need to call me. Nothing
bad happened of it. I need your calls (and to hear you) more than you
think. It gives me strength to keep going on.

And I don't mind that you don't send me emails. I just really
appreciate whatever you can do for me. I'm really grateful that you
work hard to maintain what we have and always indulging my need to keep
our weekly date nights intact. I am deeply ingratiated to you for your
efforts. The soldier is actually stirring just now thinking of typing
this note to you.

I love you Mayumi, my gorgeous sexy wife. You looked really
hot last night.

Your malibog husband,
