Chat w/ Mayumi 10/16/06
(too old to reply)
2006-11-13 04:10:27 UTC
mayumi_canuto: hi there
mayumi_canuto: whew!
ablang: holy moly
mayumi_canuto: thought I could never get the connection going
mayumi_canuto: sorry dear
ablang: You had me very worried, Yumi
mayumi_canuto: was about to call you already
mayumi_canuto: but the connection went up already
mayumi_canuto: working up a sweat here
mayumi_canuto: been trying for the past 20 mins
mayumi_canuto: :((
ablang: I thought you had tested it already to connect?
mayumi_canuto: yes I did
mayumi_canuto: I was online this morning even
mayumi_canuto: I thought it was the card
ablang: I was online earlier too
mayumi_canuto: i tried to troubleshoot
ablang: I was so excited, my body woke me up at 4:19am
ablang: exactly 1 hr before my alarm was set to go off
ablang: I awoke thinking of you w/ a monster erection
mayumi_canuto: :))
ablang: it was so bad, I had to address the problem directly
ablang: :)
mayumi_canuto: is that normal?
mayumi_canuto: and was that really me you thought of
ablang: yes
ablang: I swear
ablang: It's not normal that it normally isn't that bad
ablang: hi sleep
ablang: sleepy
mayumi_canuto: tired
mayumi_canuto: the connection almost failed me
mayumi_canuto: if it was not for you I would not have kept on trying
ablang: I'm thankful that you did. I love you Mayumi
mayumi_canuto: try again please
mayumi_canuto: I love you too Ron
ablang: Try again to please you? OKay
mayumi_canuto: YCL
ablang: I realized yesterday what we forgot to try w/ voice
mayumi_canuto: it says your webcam in unavailable
mayumi_canuto: oh my
ablang: I can see myself
ablang: We forgot about Skype
ablang: I only have 2 friends there
mayumi_canuto: hmmnn
mayumi_canuto: flashes an error message
ablang: Oh I think I forgot to shut down some progs
mayumi_canuto: IBM says Skype has a virus
mayumi_canuto: I tried it before in the UK
mayumi_canuto: works well
mayumi_canuto: even on Bluetooth device
ablang: It's changed now. New ownership
ablang: It's owned by eBay
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: still cannot see you husband
ablang: I know. Still trying.
mayumi_canuto: do you want me to try again - log in and log out
ablang: But how come I can see you?
ablang: You look like a sexy nurse
ablang: let me try replugging cam
ablang: now?
mayumi_canuto: uh oh
ablang: ano?
mayumi_canuto: goodness!
mayumi_canuto: still not there
mayumi_canuto: here lemme sign off and sign in again
ablang: I guess we were lucky to even connect
mayumi_canuto: try yours first
ablang: what
mayumi_canuto: cam sir
mayumi_canuto: ;;)
mayumi_canuto: still the same
mayumi_canuto: (curse!)
ablang: damn
mayumi_canuto: fantastic
mayumi_canuto: i see you
mayumi_canuto: :-*
ablang: now?
mayumi_canuto: >:D<
mayumi_canuto: hey sexy
mayumi_canuto: feeling cold?
ablang: hi gorgeous
mayumi_canuto: hi kttty
ablang: It's very cold this morning
ablang: it's little Yumi (LY)
mayumi_canuto: she is getting bigger
mayumi_canuto: little King is still little
ablang: YAY!
mayumi_canuto: poor puppy
mayumi_canuto: he is getting me worried
mayumi_canuto: and mother does not want him anymore in the house
ablang: Don't worry. He's fine as long as he gets enough water.
mayumi_canuto: me in my jammies
ablang: my sexy nurse
mayumi_canuto: i was choosing between this and the oversized shirt
mayumi_canuto: but it is too cold
ablang: The V is almost inviting me to come in
mayumi_canuto: buttoned
mayumi_canuto: 4 buttons
mayumi_canuto: very easy for you
ablang: Hehehe. Don't tempt me.
ablang: Soldier's already done his morning exercises
mayumi_canuto: so that is why you look so very cute this morning
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: and so that is why I am feeling so weak right now
mayumi_canuto: i could feel him from here
ablang: Actually I get fairly drained from such an occasion
mayumi_canuto: just kidding
ablang: It's like losing a bit of my life force, at least for a brief
mayumi_canuto: i understand
ablang: It was a monster one, so I had to take care of it
mayumi_canuto: i got a big aching zit on my cheek
mayumi_canuto: ouch!
ablang: I think stress causes it
ablang: for you
mayumi_canuto: oh my
ablang: But yeah, normally, I don't have to address my issue in the
mayumi_canuto: is that coffee?
ablang: I ignore it long enough and it goes away
ablang: water
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: in a big mug
mayumi_canuto: what does the mug say?
ablang: I just have a small hand
ablang: "Endorsed by no one." -- New Balance
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: I have a better one.
ablang: wait
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: here
mayumi_canuto: that is good news
mayumi_canuto: office news
mayumi_canuto: Ron Ablang
mayumi_canuto: Executive of the Year
ablang: Office Executive of the Year
ablang: It's a freebie mug off the internet
ablang: lots of free stuff out there for those w/ the free time
mayumi_canuto: oh yeah? I thought it was your officemates gift to you
ablang: hehehe. We usually only get a free lunch. For going
mayumi_canuto: oh ok
mayumi_canuto: when I was a teacher I had lots of gifts from students
mayumi_canuto: like a garbage bag full - the big one
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: and not counting foodstuff
ablang: I'll bet a lot of the boys had a big crush on you
ablang: I wish I was one of your adoring students
mayumi_canuto: oh they were teenagers
mayumi_canuto: there were 2 cute ones though
ablang: w/ a hot young twenty-something teacher
mayumi_canuto: one had a twin
mayumi_canuto: the name was Mikey
mayumi_canuto: 20 year old flat
mayumi_canuto: turned 21
ablang: how old were you then?
mayumi_canuto: another sweet cute boy was Carlos
mayumi_canuto: 21
mayumi_canuto: just turned 21
ablang: and how old were they?
mayumi_canuto: 13
ablang: a young boy's wet dream
mayumi_canuto: hormones
ablang: I'm jealous of those boys
mayumi_canuto: did not even think about it that way
ablang: I'll bet you knew when lots of boys liked you
mayumi_canuto: they were pretty pleasant
mayumi_canuto: those boys
mayumi_canuto: we even went out once in Enchanted Kingdom
mayumi_canuto: Theme Park
mayumi_canuto: you want to go there?
ablang: is it far?
mayumi_canuto: kinda
mayumi_canuto: Laguna
mayumi_canuto: but there is a ride going to there from Makati
ablang: You might lose respect for me if I agree to go
mayumi_canuto: the pic of me and Leia in an egg, that was where it was
mayumi_canuto: oh it will be so much fun!
ablang: I am matatakot of roller-coaster rides
ablang: and I dislike rides that make you dizzy
ablang: on purpose
mayumi_canuto: oh come on
mayumi_canuto: you will get addicted
mayumi_canuto: i know
mayumi_canuto: there is one I stay away from
mayumi_canuto: turned my knees to jelly
mayumi_canuto: it is called Anchors Away
ablang: vertical drop?
mayumi_canuto: a pirate ship swinging to and fro
ablang: upside down?
mayumi_canuto: no I liked the vertical drop
mayumi_canuto: from the Space Shuttle
mayumi_canuto: roller coaster with vertical drop
mayumi_canuto: magnificent!
ablang: scary
ablang: I'm such a baby
mayumi_canuto: can
mayumi_canuto: i rode it twice in a row
mayumi_canuto: even with a heart ailment
mayumi_canuto: it was fun!
mayumi_canuto: like falling in love
mayumi_canuto: wild and crazy
mayumi_canuto: and exhilarating
mayumi_canuto: you should try it
mayumi_canuto: I also like the one with the water
ablang: how long are wait times in a typical line?
ablang: I love water rides
mayumi_canuto: depends on time of the week
mayumi_canuto: weekends are nasty
mayumi_canuto: weekdays are better, plus the fare is lower
mayumi_canuto: water ride with roller coaster
mayumi_canuto: yes!
ablang: I love it
mayumi_canuto: or do you mean the placid ones?
ablang: either one
ablang: Water rides don't go upside down
mayumi_canuto: great
mayumi_canuto: i love those too
ablang: or all that fast
mayumi_canuto: we can go boating then in Baguio
mayumi_canuto: there is a ride in EK where there is a huge swan
ablang: theme park there?
mayumi_canuto: and the couple paddles
mayumi_canuto: kinda corny but OK
mayumi_canuto: just a park in Baguio
mayumi_canuto: sorry I am skipping
ablang: big swans make me think of romantic rides
mayumi_canuto: i am getting excited!
mayumi_canuto: :)
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: do you also like the bump cars?
mayumi_canuto: I like those
ablang: I love them
ablang: So harmless
mayumi_canuto: great!
mayumi_canuto: I can see we will have plenty to do
ablang: I don't have to worry of dying of a heart attack
ablang: I still haven't said YES yet
mayumi_canuto: hmmn
ablang: how much are the entrance fees?
mayumi_canuto: for EK less than 10 USD
mayumi_canuto: can go down to half
ablang: unlimited rides?
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: yes!
ablang: rides are covered w/ entrance?
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: how bout Laguna?
mayumi_canuto: but you buy water and food inside
mayumi_canuto: or have baon but eat outside
mayumi_canuto: Laguna is where Enchanted Kingdom is
ablang: I know mahal
ablang: oh lost that abbreviation
mayumi_canuto: for Baguio I think they charge you a rate for the boat
mayumi_canuto: have not tried it
ablang: riding a ferry boat?
mayumi_canuto: dunno
mayumi_canuto: i think they have boats for couples
mayumi_canuto: like little kayaks
ablang: 2-people boats?
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: i saw on tv
mayumi_canuto: have not tried it
ablang: they provide life jackets?
mayumi_canuto: last time in Baguio was about 5 or 6 years ago
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: yes, life jackets
ablang: I was there last year
ablang: Feb
ablang: saw SM for 1st time
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: i have not seen SM Baguio
mayumi_canuto: you should see the other SMs here
ablang: I think the SM-B is cheap. It's very populated
ablang: Like everyone can afford it
ablang: either that, or people go to get free A/C
mayumi_canuto: SM was designed like that
mayumi_canuto: for the middle class
mayumi_canuto: that too
mayumi_canuto: AC
ablang: I thought the middle class was a minority?
ablang: Mostly lower and upper
mayumi_canuto: nope
mayumi_canuto: middle class is defined as educated
mayumi_canuto: lots of educated people here
mayumi_canuto: but could be quite poor
ablang: I define myself as middle-lower class
mayumi_canuto: upper class is around 5% of the population or maybe 20
ablang: educated but must scrimp & save
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: tiered middle class
mayumi_canuto: i understand
ablang: If we do do EK, it should be weekday
mayumi_canuto: you can be upper middle soon
mayumi_canuto: yes, agree
mayumi_canuto: so no competition
ablang: At least being w/ you will make me feel upper
mayumi_canuto: i also hate lines
ablang: in happiness anyway
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: we will make it upper baby
ablang: Do you mean 'it'?
ablang: it upper? ;)
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: I was there 2 hrs ago
ablang: :)
mayumi_canuto: upper class economic stratum
ablang: I dislike crowds too
mayumi_canuto: yes, that is why I like the Bluewave mall
mayumi_canuto: not much people
mayumi_canuto: and good popcorn and burgers
ablang: Because they price out the poor people?
ablang: probably people like me?
mayumi_canuto: lousy internet cafe though
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: it's ok baby
mayumi_canuto: they have Jollibee there
ablang: What are the burgers made of?
mayumi_canuto: but I agree Bluewave can be quite expensive
ablang: I was joking about me
mayumi_canuto: beef burgers
ablang: as in cow?
ablang: not cats or dogs?
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: no
mayumi_canuto: cat is for siopao
mayumi_canuto: yikes
ablang: I think my Dad used to eat them
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: just kidding
ablang: That's why he doesn't hold Hilary in high regard
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: folks eat dog meat here
ablang: He sees her and sees food for a week
mayumi_canuto: especially in the provinces
mayumi_canuto: mostly drunkards
mayumi_canuto: they say dog meat is an aphrodisiac
mayumi_canuto: many animal rights activists protest
ablang: For sure I think oysters and balot
mayumi_canuto: of course
mayumi_canuto: in Marikina you also need to register your dog now
ablang: need to?
ablang: what's the penalty for being caught?
mayumi_canuto: so there are hardly stray dogs
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: they put your dog to the pound
mayumi_canuto: and then you have to redeem him/her
mayumi_canuto: pay the penalty
ablang: I guess they do that here too
mayumi_canuto: dunno how much
ablang: I don't worry about LY since she's never going outside
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: copied from America
ablang: I pay $10 for Hilary every year
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: I got her from pound since she was 1.3 years old
mayumi_canuto: baby...
ablang: yes?
mayumi_canuto: on the vegetable thing
ablang: ?
mayumi_canuto: it got me depressed for some time
mayumi_canuto: whe you said you will kill me if ever that situation
happens to me
ablang: I didn't say kill you
mayumi_canuto: don't worry about it
ablang: I was implying I'd kill it
mayumi_canuto: that is where it will lead to
ablang: before it had a chance to suffer
ablang: that's no life for a veggie
mayumi_canuto: i had a crisis
ablang: plus it would needlessly drain us financially
mayumi_canuto: after hearing that from you
mayumi_canuto: but I figured I still love you
mayumi_canuto: and if ever that happens to you
mayumi_canuto: will not leave you
mayumi_canuto: end of story
ablang: I was talking about the kid of course
ablang: a vegetable child
ablang: With you, I haven't made up my mind yet
mayumi_canuto: pray that it will not happen
ablang: Things are different when one is really faced w/ that
ablang: I could actually see myself caring for you
ablang: my little invalid
mayumi_canuto: I saw a show with a child like that last night
ablang: who wouldn't leave me
mayumi_canuto: the parents claimed that the child brought so much good
luck to them
mayumi_canuto: which was true
mayumi_canuto: and all the family loved the child
ablang: No matter what, the memory of you would always be alive w/ me
mayumi_canuto: I had a ninong who also had a child like that
mayumi_canuto: they really prospered
mayumi_canuto: bought a mansion and a grocery store
mayumi_canuto: even a jeepney
mayumi_canuto: the child eventually died when she was 12
mayumi_canuto: if ever
ablang: Did you see what I wrote of you?
mayumi_canuto: it happens to me or our future child together, I will
tell you very early on
mayumi_canuto: today?
mayumi_canuto: have not yet opened my email
ablang: scroll up
ablang: on our conversation just now
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: you said with me you are not decided yet
ablang: and?
ablang: what else
mayumi_canuto: you said some things - you see yourself caring for me
ablang: yes
mayumi_canuto: you said you would not want a situation which will drain
us financially
ablang: and?
mayumi_canuto: things might change because you are not sure what your
future reaciton will be - when faced with it
ablang: how bout invalid?
ablang: or am I spelling it wrong?
mayumi_canuto: my little invalid who would care for me
ablang: whom I would care for, and would never leave me
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: if that happens to you
mayumi_canuto: even if I have to wash your puwet
ablang: You see, i've thought about it more since
mayumi_canuto: I will
ablang: we will see
mayumi_canuto: even if I buy diapers for you I will
mayumi_canuto: oh yes, we will see
ablang: If you became an invalid, it wouldn't drain us necessarily
ablang: a veg child however, will
ablang: and the attention would take away from us having 'normal' kids
mayumi_canuto: as you said, we will see and it will depend on the
ablang: the money spent on that child might prevent another from
mayumi_canuto: so that would mean I should really aim for upper middle
class with you
mayumi_canuto: so I can safely get what I want
ablang: I think you should focus on being healthy & happy, so that we
can increase the odds of having kids that way
ablang: w/ no birth defects
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: i intend to
mayumi_canuto: Leia was good
mayumi_canuto: I was the one who was not
mayumi_canuto: so had to suffer a CS
ablang: Yumi
mayumi_canuto: yes sweetheart?
ablang: Every time I see Leia, I see an example of a breakage of one of
the seven deadly sins.
ablang: It doesn't seem trivial
mayumi_canuto: please expound
ablang: let me search
mayumi_canuto: do you mean her weight?
ablang: wait
mayumi_canuto: gluttony?
mayumi_canuto: that is not a birth defect
ablang: I try daily not to break that one
ablang: it's not
ablang: yes
mayumi_canuto: what is baby?
mayumi_canuto: anger?
ablang: gluttony
mayumi_canuto: are you angry at Leia?
ablang: no
mayumi_canuto: that is not a birth defect as we were talking about
awhile ago
mayumi_canuto: and as I said give her a chance
mayumi_canuto: and me as well
ablang: It's not her fault. She is just a child
mayumi_canuto: I always remind her that it is important to keep a good
ablang: I do see it as a shortcoming on the part of the mother though,
seemingly spoiling her silly
mayumi_canuto: my mother does not like for her to also play outside
mayumi_canuto: so she lacks exercise
mayumi_canuto: during summer I make her go to swimming lessons so she
will have more activities
ablang: I would hope too, when we are married and living together, that
you will not allow me to get gluttonized
mayumi_canuto: well, she is the only one I have so far
ablang: like you seemingly do w/ Leia
mayumi_canuto: for the past 5 years
ablang: I know
mayumi_canuto: i will make sure you and Leia eat healthy
mayumi_canuto: and you get plenty of exercise
mayumi_canuto: I will drag you both outdoors
ablang: Why not drag her now?
mayumi_canuto: because I go home late
mayumi_canuto: and go to the office early
ablang: Why wait until you have to use expensive health care?
ablang: what about weekends?
mayumi_canuto: the neighbors are not so very polite
mayumi_canuto: and the neighborhood is not clean enough
ablang: meaning?
mayumi_canuto: the road in front of the house is muddy
mayumi_canuto: it is to be converted into a road
mayumi_canuto: and may not be safe, full of rubble
ablang: I almost picture the Mom (you) indulging a child's every whims
ablang: junk food, candy, etc
mayumi_canuto: rainy season - so she might get dengue
ablang: basically relenting everything
mayumi_canuto: no junk food
mayumi_canuto: she knows
mayumi_canuto: doctor's orders
mayumi_canuto: and a husband advice is also very much needed
mayumi_canuto: so I can be a better parent
ablang: She may not have issues now, but she will
ablang: and I don't want it to happen in my era
mayumi_canuto: issues?
ablang: of health
mayumi_canuto: she is of more durable material than me
ablang: Because if they are catastrophic... well, let's not think of
mayumi_canuto: trust me
ablang: I hope there isn't something you haven't told me yet
mayumi_canuto: i had a heart problem
ablang: I don't want to inherit any major issues
ablang: I didn't see it
mayumi_canuto: I already told you long before
mayumi_canuto: it is even in our excel sheets
mayumi_canuto: the one which we were exchanging before
mayumi_canuto: and it is not major
mayumi_canuto: Mitral Valve Prolapse
mayumi_canuto: one of the valves of my heart is closed
mayumi_canuto: insted of it opening and closing
mayumi_canuto: and I already told you I am clear
mayumi_canuto: no medication whatsoever
mayumi_canuto: it is congenital
ablang: And no further threat of relapses?
ablang: congenital?
ablang: like Herpes?
mayumi_canuto: congenital is I had it since I was a baby
ablang: oh
mayumi_canuto: I only found out when I was 22
mayumi_canuto: when I was already working
mayumi_canuto: it is actually nothing to worry about
ablang: And how does that affect you again, besides the fact that it
can't handle running?
mayumi_canuto: if ever a quick operation has to be done on me - like
surgeries etc
mayumi_canuto: and have to get clearance from the doctors if there are
some bleeding to happen
mayumi_canuto: like tooth extractions
mayumi_canuto: or giving birth
mayumi_canuto: the anesthesia is different from people with no heart
mayumi_canuto: that is just it
mayumi_canuto: and I must not be too too tired
mayumi_canuto: or too too upset
mayumi_canuto: but I have crossed those conditions a lot of times
mayumi_canuto: nothing
ablang: even w/ that condition, you're still tougher than me
ablang: I guess birthing makes you strong
mayumi_canuto: so that is why I need to exercise
mayumi_canuto: to help myself
mayumi_canuto: dunno
mayumi_canuto: poverty makes you strong in some ways too
ablang: That's why I need you w/ me to motivate me to exercise
mayumi_canuto: makes you fight
ablang: on a consistent basis
mayumi_canuto: and that is why I need fruits and veggies more
ablang: I need that to
ablang: but there is no one to regulate me here
mayumi_canuto: so in my house those 2 need to be present all the time
mayumi_canuto: no pork rinds for me
ablang: ever?
mayumi_canuto: my coffee is decaf, or I take tea
ablang: my fave foods are probably all bad for you
mayumi_canuto: you mean pork rinds?
ablang: you sound more delicate than me for eating bad foods
ablang: yes
mayumi_canuto: I can take about 1-3 pcs
ablang: more for me then
mayumi_canuto: dunno
mayumi_canuto: I am to make sure to trim the fat for you when I cook
ablang: Ok, but leave some on if it's steak
mayumi_canuto: no I do not want you to suffer heart diease
mayumi_canuto: disease
mayumi_canuto: and that is why I forgive easily
mayumi_canuto: ok, good on steak, I agree
ablang: Heart disease is the largest killer of us Americans
mayumi_canuto: and on barbecue
ablang: And I know it's the only thing threatening me
mayumi_canuto: yes, you said you have high cholesterol
ablang: my high cholesterol
mayumi_canuto: our hunch is that my mom took something when she was
pregnant with me that is why I had this
mayumi_canuto: I am the only one who had this among the siblings
ablang: I wonder if the oatmeal and fish oil & flaxseed pills are
helping me
mayumi_canuto: oatmeal they said is proven
ablang: yeah, but is it enough?
mayumi_canuto: I do not know about the rest
ablang: My reading was 233 about 1 year ago
mayumi_canuto: nope
mayumi_canuto: diet and exercise
mayumi_canuto: oh
ablang: my diet has relapsed into bad again
mayumi_canuto: i never had mine read
ablang: eating healthy isn't cheap
mayumi_canuto: i can tell
ablang: and it's hard to avoid fast-food restos
ablang: they smell so good
mayumi_canuto: you were describing the contents of your fridge to me
one time
mayumi_canuto: i understand
ablang: I was?
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: but the fish taco i think is a good choic
mayumi_canuto: choice
mayumi_canuto: sans the mayo
mayumi_canuto: if ever there is mayo
mayumi_canuto: i hate mayo
ablang: there's no mayo
ablang: it's breaded w/ beer batter and fried though
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: It does have some good veggies w/ it
ablang: cabbage, onions, cilantro
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: very good
ablang: hints of lemon & lime
ablang: squeezed on it by me :)
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: You should be thinking of that, not corn dogs
ablang: to share
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: with you I will definitely share my food
ablang: and then if we are still hungry, I'll order some more
mayumi_canuto: even if i cannot sample, as long as you can eat, I am
ablang: I can imagine you loving fish tacos
ablang: as much as I do
ablang: I wouldn't blame you for eating a few
ablang: I'll just buy more
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: i love you so much
ablang: I love you Mayumi
mayumi_canuto: you know that don't you?
ablang: my gorgeous wife
ablang: I forget sometimes
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: ohhh
ablang: or sometimes I forget how strong it is for you
mayumi_canuto: how come?
ablang: I just know what I feel for you and doubt you can match it
ablang: dunno
ablang: Sometimes it feels like just a dream
ablang: like you can't be real
mayumi_canuto: i love you very much
ablang: you're perfect for me
mayumi_canuto: i am very real baby
ablang: and I still wonder karmically, why something this good would
happen to me
ablang: since I probably don't deserve it
mayumi_canuto: why not?
mayumi_canuto: the good and the bad of the earth share rain
mayumi_canuto: and sunshine
ablang: I'm usually never blessed
ablang: I'm a martyr
mayumi_canuto: you are
mayumi_canuto: you are so handsome
mayumi_canuto: and you look so cold
ablang: Other than you, I can't think of the last time I was truly
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: while I look so red and sweaty
ablang: I am
mayumi_canuto: baby i want to make you happy
ablang: that sexy sheen of perspiration on your face
mayumi_canuto: and happier
mayumi_canuto: moisturizer
mayumi_canuto: on the face
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
ablang: remind me to wait before licking you in the mornings
mayumi_canuto: i actually feel I have a lot
ablang: you have much more than me
ablang: for you to wash your face
mayumi_canuto: i will let you kiss me after I have washed my face
mayumi_canuto: and have not yet put anything on it
ablang: ok, and you have to let me relieve myself before i begin too
mayumi_canuto: hmmnn
mayumi_canuto: but my face is clean I promise
ablang: I always have to have that morning pee, 1st thing
ablang: It looks good to me
ablang: and sometimes poop
mayumi_canuto: np
ablang: can we try voice yet?
mayumi_canuto: that is normal
mayumi_canuto: i will wonder if you do not do it
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: poop or try voice?
ablang: kidding
mayumi_canuto: i already pooped silly
ablang: call when ready
ablang: me to
mayumi_canuto: maybe it is you
ablang: too
ablang: after my morning exercise
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: can hear you very well
mayumi_canuto: even the cat's meow
ablang: type if you need to
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: you sound real good
mayumi_canuto: good morning
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: i am typing now
mayumi_canuto: go ehead and speak
mayumi_canuto: nope
mayumi_canuto: ?
mayumi_canuto: again?
mayumi_canuto: ?
mayumi_canuto: laugh?
ablang: laughing
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: i heard that
mayumi_canuto: nope
mayumi_canuto: go ahead
mayumi_canuto: talk to me Ron
mayumi_canuto: oh no
mayumi_canuto: and?
mayumi_canuto: yes?
mayumi_canuto: veggie thing
mayumi_canuto: what about it?
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: you will do what baby?
ablang: some guys here take care of life-size dolls and treat them like
real people
ablang: I would do that w/ you if you were my veggie
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: i can hear you typing as well
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: kinda weird
ablang: Yeah, I actually pondered doing that, if only to live in a
fantasy world
mayumi_canuto: i think they call them dildos
mayumi_canuto: life sized dolls
mayumi_canuto: for sex
mayumi_canuto: yes?
ablang: but the dolls are expensive
ablang: like $5500
mayumi_canuto: putangina
mayumi_canuto: you do not need that baby
mayumi_canuto: when you can have the real thing
ablang: sex and dressing them up, and they take them out and do couple
things w/ them
ablang: there was a time in my life when I was really depressed and low
ablang: I've seen photos of that in a regular men's mag
ablang: magazine
ablang: The cost prevented me from doing that
mayumi_canuto: i am glad
mayumi_canuto: baby you do not need it
ablang: I would've dressed mine up like you do in your shoots
ablang: I know
ablang: Not anymore
mayumi_canuto: they say the solution to depression is to help other
ablang: It wasn't true depression. More of a deep sadness or
mayumi_canuto: the doll will make you feel sadder
ablang: That was years ago I thought of doing that
ablang: back in my twenties
mayumi_canuto: unlike me, I will make you feel more alive
ablang: I know you will
mayumi_canuto: and you can touch and feel me
mayumi_canuto: and I can respond
mayumi_canuto: like no doll can
mayumi_canuto: no amount of money can buy
mayumi_canuto: that is what makes it more priceless
ablang: for some guys, they have security in knowing their 'companion'
will not reject them
ablang: or leave them
mayumi_canuto: not real men to me
mayumi_canuto: love takes some risks
mayumi_canuto: the bigger the risk, the bigger the returns
mayumi_canuto: like in business too
mayumi_canuto: that is why they say "Leap of Faith"
mayumi_canuto: you just jump in
mayumi_canuto: just do it
mayumi_canuto: and renew the love each day
mayumi_canuto: so it will stay
mayumi_canuto: I really would want to make my husband happy
mayumi_canuto: my future husband
ablang: and who is that?
mayumi_canuto: can't wait to take care of him
mayumi_canuto: RON O. ABLANG
mayumi_canuto: bow
mayumi_canuto: everytime i see you alone typing there it kills me
mayumi_canuto: like I should be beside you already
mayumi_canuto: or in front of you
mayumi_canuto: or behind you
mayumi_canuto: hugging you and kissing you
mayumi_canuto: ok ok
mayumi_canuto: on top of you
mayumi_canuto: that too
ablang: or sitting in my lap?
ablang: I think about that sometimes too, like there isn't enough
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: holding your cheeks
mayumi_canuto: and kissing you so hard
mayumi_canuto: you could hardly breathe
mayumi_canuto: and hugging you so tight
mayumi_canuto: like a bear hug
mayumi_canuto: it will melt your stress away
mayumi_canuto: guaranteed
mayumi_canuto: and you will be walking in your office
mayumi_canuto: with that evil smirk
mayumi_canuto: Doug is going to wonder
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: what is on your mind baby?
ablang: Sometimes I wonder why a woman that has a very good career and
is so seemingly strong, is interested in a guy like me, and why she
seems to need me so much (not as much as I need her)?
ablang: Especially when she can have her pick of any guy out there
ablang: She oozes such sexiness I doubt many can resist
mayumi_canuto: tell you what
mayumi_canuto: i wonder too sometimes
mayumi_canuto: :))
mayumi_canuto: but I just felt it
mayumi_canuto: and would not like to ask
ablang: I sometimes wonder if she really does need me that much
mayumi_canuto: of course a wife needs her husband
ablang: especially since she has someone she can give all her love to
mayumi_canuto: that is how I feel about you
ablang: her child
mayumi_canuto: that is why you know my love for you is true
ablang: That's why I know you don't think of me as much as I think of
mayumi_canuto: and I feel I can love better now
ablang: because you couldn't think of me & Leia in some scenarios at
the same time
mayumi_canuto: true, but I can only think of you as my husband
ablang: I think of you a lot Yumi
mayumi_canuto: and that is a different level only you can occupy
ablang: w/ a heavy heart
mayumi_canuto: like your cats she cannot give me some of my needs
ablang: But your Leia can give you more than my cats can
mayumi_canuto: why heavy?
ablang: That's why I hurt & bleed more
mayumi_canuto: there are guys here, yes, but they just do not strike me
as much as you do
ablang: I just miss you so so very very much Mayumi
mayumi_canuto: I miss you too sweetheart
mayumi_canuto: guys here have no "X" factor for me
mayumi_canuto: you are perfect
mayumi_canuto: so far so good
mayumi_canuto: and it is good that you communicate with me a lot too
ablang: And sometimes I wonder if it is possible for us to miss each
other so much
mayumi_canuto: that is a very big factor
mayumi_canuto: most guys just ogle
mayumi_canuto: just look
ablang: even though we haven't 'met' yet
ablang: maybe just me cuz I haven't been as deep in relationships as
you have
ablang: you are better able to cope w/ longing and heartbreak
ablang: I haven't had a relationship last more than a few days
mayumi_canuto: perhaps
mayumi_canuto: heartbreak is something else, it is something one cannot
get used to ever
ablang: My heart is slightly cracked from being apart from you
ablang: and my stomach has a great void in it for you
mayumi_canuto: stomach?
ablang: I hunger for you
ablang: and not in a sexual way
ablang: I mostly think of coupling w/ you
ablang: just completing my better half
mayumi_canuto: oh me too
mayumi_canuto: CRB
ablang: ok
mayumi_canuto: need to get something to eat too, BRB quickly
ablang: ok
ablang: I'm starving for you
mayumi_canuto: am back honey
mayumi_canuto: oh my
mayumi_canuto: breakfast cereal
mayumi_canuto: you like some?
ablang: I have some, but no milk
ablang: It's for my oatmeal
ablang: you eat a lot
mayumi_canuto: why?
mayumi_canuto: oh
mayumi_canuto: hehehe
ablang: can you hear me?
mayumi_canuto: nope
ablang: ay putanina
ablang: kidding
ablang: oh well, you missed out
mayumi_canuto: ?
mayumi_canuto: y?
ablang: I can hear you
ablang: using laptop speakers
ablang: noise mostly
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: it's very quiet there
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: I had a feeling you couldn't hear me back there
mayumi_canuto: i cannot concentrate on eating
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
ablang: there's always one way I can test
ablang: noisy
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: can hear you
mayumi_canuto: you are talking to your cat
mayumi_canuto: what did you say?
ablang: you can't hear me completely
mayumi_canuto: nope
mayumi_canuto: hey gorgeous
ablang: oh you did
ablang: damn
ablang: agua
mayumi_canuto: si
ablang: hi gorgeous
ablang: I love when you put your arms up also
ablang: that's the position I'd tie you up in
ablang: ;)
ablang: teasing
mayumi_canuto: am sleepy baby
ablang: It's almost midnight
ablang: Do you want to leave now?
mayumi_canuto: you know the answer
mayumi_canuto: tell me
ablang: 24 more mins?
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: almost
mayumi_canuto: I would not like to leave you
ablang: 9 more?
mayumi_canuto: but I know this might cost me in the morning
ablang: I know. But we do have to take care of our work days
mayumi_canuto: I will try to hold on as much as I could
ablang: Did I thank you for joining me this morning?
mayumi_canuto: not yet
ablang: because I'm grateful to my wife, Mayumi, for doing so
mayumi_canuto: you are very adorable
ablang: She works hard to make me happy
mayumi_canuto: oh thank you baby
ablang: And I would like to return the favors someday
ablang: in person
ablang: when I'll prove it
mayumi_canuto: I love you very much
ablang: I love you Mayumi
mayumi_canuto: ok, your turn then
mayumi_canuto: sounds good
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
ablang: reparations?
mayumi_canuto: I love you too Ron
mayumi_canuto: my hubby
mayumi_canuto: nope
ablang: sexual favors?
mayumi_canuto: my turn to feel pursued next year
ablang: massages?
mayumi_canuto: can
ablang: having to lick?
mayumi_canuto: can
mayumi_canuto: yum
mayumi_canuto: phone calls
mayumi_canuto: text messages
ablang: giving you a day in the bubble bath
ablang: and toweling you off?
mayumi_canuto: oh my
mayumi_canuto: might not be able to finish the bath
mayumi_canuto: or might take too long
ablang: and carrying you to the canopy bed?
ablang: and giving such sweet attention to your erogenous zones?
mayumi_canuto: lemme see if you can carry me
mayumi_canuto: ohhh canopy bed! wow
mayumi_canuto: you are killing me
mayumi_canuto: you know that?
ablang: I'm going to travel to the most exotic lands of island Mayumi
ablang: and my lips will register frequent traveler miles
mayumi_canuto: crazy guy
mayumi_canuto: but I love you to bits
ablang: I will
ablang: I love every part of you
mayumi_canuto: lovely animal
ablang: and I will give each of them tender loving
mayumi_canuto: you
mayumi_canuto: hay nako
mayumi_canuto: talaga?
ablang: I'm going to kiss your puwet too
mayumi_canuto: talagang talagang talaga?
mayumi_canuto: i would like to hear you say that fast
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: that would turn me on
mayumi_canuto: my puwety?
ablang: you'll have to wait
mayumi_canuto: that would be hot
mayumi_canuto: me too
mayumi_canuto: i will pinch your puwety
mayumi_canuto: left
mayumi_canuto: and right
ablang: you might have to
ablang: I might be tempted to spank it
mayumi_canuto: stop with that tongue there!
mayumi_canuto: it is driving me wild
mayumi_canuto: putangina naman eh
ablang: There's some places it won't go
ablang: taboo areas
ablang: but many places it will thrive and prosper
mayumi_canuto: what taboo areas?
ablang: and it will cause Mount Mayumi to erupt
ablang: really dirty area
mayumi_canuto: you look shaven this morning, it makes me actually think
about it
mayumi_canuto: anal
ablang: shaved last Sat.
ablang: yes
ablang: no go there
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: only need to once/week
mayumi_canuto: sounds pretty normal
ablang: and I pluck any stray hairs from my face daily
ablang: like under my chin
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: My offer still stands to pluck your KP hairs
ablang: for life
mayumi_canuto: bastos pero ok
mayumi_canuto: masakit yon eh
ablang: I know
mayumi_canuto: it makes the skin dark too
ablang: It would be funny to see you like that
ablang: hurting temporarily and me having to massage your armpit
mayumi_canuto: and this hurt look in my face
ablang: yes
mayumi_canuto: or I might be slapping your hand
mayumi_canuto: for being too harsh
ablang: heheheeh
ablang: or too slow at plucking?
mayumi_canuto: perhaps
ablang: you can do that to me
mayumi_canuto: and telling you that there is no way you will be working
in a spa
ablang: And I'll help you shave your legs too
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: just hand me the face mask
ablang: oops soldier
mayumi_canuto: leave those to me baby
mayumi_canuto: delicate procedure
ablang: don't trust me?
mayumi_canuto: might nip me
ablang: not on purpose
mayumi_canuto: depends on the razor too
mayumi_canuto: that is why
ablang: you can punish me if I screw up
mayumi_canuto: i have not tried waxing
mayumi_canuto: maybe will try it one of these days
ablang: I was thinking the other night
mayumi_canuto: i will not risk it
mayumi_canuto: my wounds tend to heal slower
ablang: that you might have to shave my crotchular region
mayumi_canuto: yes?
mayumi_canuto: why?
ablang: yes what?
mayumi_canuto: why?
mayumi_canuto: do you want me to?
mayumi_canuto: just teach me how
ablang: wouldn't that feel sexy? Me rubbing shaving cream on your
ablang: Noting the parts that have slight bumps
ablang: to proceed slowly in this parts or avoid them completely
ablang: I want to explore every part of you
mayumi_canuto: we will see baby
ablang: Can I just rub skincare lotion then?
ablang: I promise you'll feel sexy
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: you're hot
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: sounds good
mayumi_canuto: no you are
mayumi_canuto: you have hot ideas
ablang: You can be the rich society lady and I will be your lowly
cabana boy
ablang: I'll be working hard to earn my tips
mayumi_canuto: fantastic
ablang: I want to rub your legs all day
mayumi_canuto: great image there hubby
ablang: those imaging them encased in those hot black hose
mayumi_canuto: they are not as fine ss you thin
mayumi_canuto: think
ablang: I know they won't be perfect, but I'll bet
ablang: they feel good to both of us
ablang: You'll love me touching them
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: I guarantee it
mayumi_canuto: maybe on the thighs
ablang: oh you know it
ablang: Was that a hot scenario?
mayumi_canuto: my mother did not protect my legs when I was younger
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: how so?
mayumi_canuto: lots of mosquitos in the house, I had the tendency to
mayumi_canuto: when I was younger
ablang: and scratch and scratch?
mayumi_canuto: maybe
ablang: a gluttony of sorts
mayumi_canuto: no such thing as sensitive skin before in those old days
ablang: I used to be really undersexed in my early twenties
mayumi_canuto: but I had them
mayumi_canuto: even if you hold my skin too long it would form a rash
ablang: I can recall going as often as 5 times a day
ablang: those days are gone now
mayumi_canuto: >
mayumi_canuto: ?
mayumi_canuto: i do not understand
mayumi_canuto: masturbation you mean?
ablang: yes
ablang: like a monkey
ablang: just keep pushing the button
mayumi_canuto: and now you are worried of wasting it?
mayumi_canuto: oh my
ablang: I don't have that same drive like I used to when I was younger
mayumi_canuto: see you have plenty
ablang: Guys lose a lot as they age
mayumi_canuto: hmmnn
mayumi_canuto: mine I think did not taper off
ablang: Now I'm lucky to get twice
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
mayumi_canuto: we will aim 2
ablang: that's because men peak at 18 and women at 35
mayumi_canuto: or more
mayumi_canuto: aha!
mayumi_canuto: so you caught me at the right time
ablang: I'm sure soldier will try harder when properly motivated
mayumi_canuto: yum
ablang: you did know that right?
mayumi_canuto: nope
mayumi_canuto: I did not
ablang: sexual peaks
ablang: from sex education?
mayumi_canuto: good
mayumi_canuto: so you will take me to my first climax
mayumi_canuto: and orgasm
ablang: 1st ever?
mayumi_canuto: my husband
mayumi_canuto: yes?
ablang: w/ a person?
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: never had it
ablang: you haven't yet?
mayumi_canuto: I think I already told you that
mayumi_canuto: you got a funny look on your face
ablang: you're putting pressure on the offense to score more runs
mayumi_canuto: :))
ablang: because no guy ever gave you foreplay?
mayumi_canuto: did, but I think not enough
ablang: how long did they try?
mayumi_canuto: and I think I was not that relaxed
ablang: because?
mayumi_canuto: dunno
mayumi_canuto: please
ablang: ask you nicely?
mayumi_canuto: i will just tell you when we are together
ablang: so how much time do you think you need, minimum?
mayumi_canuto: much better that way
mayumi_canuto: when we are alone
mayumi_canuto: please do not grab me right away
ablang: I won't
mayumi_canuto: ok, good
ablang: I could massage just your legs for an hour I'm sure
mayumi_canuto: that would be fine
mayumi_canuto: we will explore together what works
ablang: but you'll be begging me to take you long before that
mayumi_canuto: i think
ablang: yes?
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: see that is why I need a husband
ablang: and you need me to tuck you in now
ablang: and kiss you goodnight
mayumi_canuto: not the only reason but one of the good reasons
ablang: You'll figure out many more reasons when I am w/ you
mayumi_canuto: you look so handsome
mayumi_canuto: i would like to make out
mayumi_canuto: with you
ablang: me too
ablang: I'd like to run around the bases
ablang: hooping and hollerin'
mayumi_canuto: hmmmnn
mayumi_canuto: i love you Ron
ablang: I love you Mayumi, my wife
mayumi_canuto: I love you ssssoooooooo much!
ablang: I love you much more
mayumi_canuto: I love you hubby
ablang: but you do need to sleep now
mayumi_canuto: talaga?
ablang: promise
mayumi_canuto: talagang talagang talaga?
ablang: masyadong masyadong totoo
ablang: hinda kana maniwala
ablang: hindi
mayumi_canuto: hahahaha
mayumi_canuto: that was great!
ablang: just thought of it
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: see that is why I love you from all the rest
ablang: did that mean, 'you won't believe it'?
mayumi_canuto: you are adorable
ablang: you're so gorgeous
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: I want to take off your robe
mayumi_canuto: you are so sexy
ablang: and kiss your neck
ablang: warm you up
mayumi_canuto: i can now
mayumi_canuto: don't dare me
ablang: and hold your cold fingers
ablang: intertwined w/ mine
ablang: oh bare chest
ablang: I'm going to plant kissing showers
mayumi_canuto: do you want me to continue
ablang: actually more like long slow warm tender kisses
ablang: on your breasts
ablang: and neck
ablang: you're going to need to keep water nearby
mayumi_canuto: i already unbuttoned
ablang: you will be parched
mayumi_canuto: tapping my fingers now
mayumi_canuto: waiting
ablang: you'll be so hot, you'll be wrapping your legs around me
ablang: pulling me in
mayumi_canuto: oh yes
ablang: I actually haven't yet tried a lot of these scenarios w/ anyone
ablang: I just imagine that's how you'll respond
mayumi_canuto: hmmnn
ablang: Very inexperienced
mayumi_canuto: positively I am sure
ablang: Mostly just cantotan
ablang: binyagan?
mayumi_canuto: oh my
mayumi_canuto: fucking
ablang: those young girls have no imagination you know
mayumi_canuto: hmnn
ablang: or no patience either
mayumi_canuto: i thought it was the guys who have no patience
ablang: I do. I have to work up to getting something
ablang: and maintaining it
ablang: My body can't be fooled
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: you have no bra
mayumi_canuto: hehehe
mayumi_canuto: giving a tease
mayumi_canuto: i do
ablang: why you naughty little girl
mayumi_canuto: i will remove it after our chat
mayumi_canuto: before I sleep
mayumi_canuto: last night I did not have
ablang: the shirt or the bra?
mayumi_canuto: while talking to you
ablang: kidding
ablang: that's it
ablang: arms up high
ablang: :)
ablang: that's hot
mayumi_canuto: i better stop
ablang: did you you know?
ablang: I did about 4 hrs ago
mayumi_canuto: you told me
ablang: and you?
ablang: your turn
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: amazing
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: you must wash a lot of towels weekly ;)
mayumi_canuto: np
mayumi_canuto: you are laughing at me
ablang: is that why you don't want me to wash your clothes too?
mayumi_canuto: you ask a lot of private questions sir
mayumi_canuto: nope
mayumi_canuto: you can wash my clothes all you want
ablang: because of all the interesting stains and aromas?
mayumi_canuto: that is a good way of describing it
mayumi_canuto: i am sure you have yours too
mayumi_canuto: bastos ka talaga
ablang: Yes, but they are not hot
mayumi_canuto: awhile ago it was the armpit plucking
mayumi_canuto: now it is the stains and all
mayumi_canuto: unbelievable
ablang: never mind
ablang: I was going to say something really bastos
mayumi_canuto: with you around you will have to step up washing the
mayumi_canuto: you and me together will be really dirty
ablang: oh dirty is really making me laugh
mayumi_canuto: what is so funny?
mayumi_canuto: you are having too much fun
ablang: that something really bastos I can't say
mayumi_canuto: punyemas
ablang: ?
mayumi_canuto: tangina naman eh
ablang: I'm sure you'd slap me
mayumi_canuto: sabi ko putangina
mayumi_canuto: mukha nga eh, sa itsura mo ngayon
mayumi_canuto: tawa ka ng tawa
mayumi_canuto: para kang sira
mayumi_canuto: ito po o may sira ang ulo
mayumi_canuto: tawagin na ang 911
mayumi_canuto: tumatawa pong magisa o
mayumi_canuto: di naman naintindihan ang sinabi ko
ablang: I got it all
mayumi_canuto: gago
ablang: I'm going to die of laughing
ablang: I can't remember ever laughing so hard
ablang: All that from 1 dirty idea of mine
mayumi_canuto: share naman
ablang: no
mayumi_canuto: sakit sa puso
mayumi_canuto: aatakihin ka na
ablang: yes my heart
mayumi_canuto: kamukha mo talaga si Nicholas Cage
ablang: if you say so
mayumi_canuto: at tsaka si Bobby Andrews
ablang: breathe
mayumi_canuto: luku luko
mayumi_canuto: nagsimula lang po ito sa usapang masturbation
ablang: LY is looking at me funny too
mayumi_canuto: nawala na ho siya sa control
ablang: I wasn't thinking about that
mayumi_canuto: "Mrs. Ablang" - I don't know sir
ablang: I was thinking about you
ablang: having to do your laundry
mayumi_canuto: In the news: Mrs. Ablang got the shock of her life when
Mr. Ron Ablang, husband, 35, had uncontrollable laughter
mayumi_canuto: after talking about dirty laundry
mayumi_canuto: allegedly the husband laughed so hard he had difficulty
ablang: yes
mayumi_canuto: and so Mrs. Ablang panicked
mayumi_canuto: picked up the dirty laundry
mayumi_canuto: and threw it at her husband
ablang: hehehe
mayumi_canuto: who was suddenly revived
ablang: how could something so dirty be so funny to me?
mayumi_canuto: apparently, it was the aroma which caused such wonders
ablang: you know what it is, don't you?
mayumi_canuto: dunno
mayumi_canuto: Mrs. Ablang could only scratch her head
ablang: oh come on!
ablang: use your imagination
mayumi_canuto: nope
ablang: maybe it's better I don't say it
ablang: you'll respect me more
mayumi_canuto: my eyebrow please
mayumi_canuto: someone put it down for me
mayumi_canuto: yes?
ablang: I don't want you thinking I'm really bastos
mayumi_canuto: you are
ablang: why something could make me laugh so uncontrollably
mayumi_canuto: I have learned to accept that already
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
ablang: hysterically
mayumi_canuto: go on, share
ablang: no
ablang: everytime you say that, I start laughing
mayumi_canuto: share?
mayumi_canuto: or masturbate?
mayumi_canuto: or dirty laundry?
mayumi_canuto: which one dear?
ablang: dirty laundry
ablang: yours
ablang: I know it'll make you laugh too
ablang: if you think of it yourself
mayumi_canuto: stay away from my dirty clothing
ablang: Perhaps it's not as bad as you think?
mayumi_canuto: it makes you hysterical
ablang: just thinking about it
ablang: is that sick?
mayumi_canuto: i do not know what you are talking about
ablang: better off not knowing i guess
ablang: please just don't think of me badly
mayumi_canuto: I will get it out from you you know
ablang: how?
mayumi_canuto: the information
ablang: yes?
mayumi_canuto: that is up to me
mayumi_canuto: now my turn to laugh
ablang: You might have to just trust me
mayumi_canuto: :))
ablang: and give me the opportunity
ablang: If you caught me, you'd either just laugh, or you'd smack me
ablang: I can't predict it
mayumi_canuto: see i have a bra
ablang: oh yeah
ablang: the strap
mayumi_canuto: you were imagining that I did not have it on
ablang: yes
ablang: it's very low
ablang: tease
ablang: oh well, I'm thinking about your laundry
ablang: still
mayumi_canuto: if it gives you so much joy
mayumi_canuto: then go ahead
mayumi_canuto: and wash all you want
ablang: do you do it by hand?
ablang: or machine?
mayumi_canuto: nope
mayumi_canuto: machine
ablang: damn
ablang: I would do your delicates by hand
mayumi_canuto: yes, some are by hand
mayumi_canuto: like the ones with lace
ablang: We can wash each other's
mayumi_canuto: rips off easily
ablang: you can put them in a lingerie wash bag
ablang: to protect them
mayumi_canuto: ok
ablang: well, maybe not
ablang: I wouldn't want you to worry about me
ablang: or lose respect for
ablang: I really don't think it's that bad, but I don't know how you'll
ablang: you're already imagining it
ablang: hundreds of possible scenarios
mayumi_canuto: like you wearing my clothes?
ablang: damn. Didn't think of that one
ablang: We're about the same size
mayumi_canuto: i think I am bigger
mayumi_canuto: but can fit in your clothes snugly
ablang: horizontally?
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: I think so yes
ablang: but I am around 135-140 lbs right now
mayumi_canuto: am about 120
mayumi_canuto: i think I already gained my weight back
ablang: you look great
ablang: really
ablang: you're skin is teasing me
mayumi_canuto: you want me to show some more?
ablang: it's up to you
mayumi_canuto: yes
mayumi_canuto: or no
ablang: I will graciously accept what my wife allows
ablang: of course you know the answer
mayumi_canuto: say it
ablang: I want it
mayumi_canuto: then why are you turning away?
ablang: I'm not.
ablang: i'm solidly focused on you
mayumi_canuto: hahahah
ablang: I was adjusting my briefs
ablang: not BBs
ablang: holy
ablang: getting tight
ablang: it's never been that responsive
ablang: that was fast
mayumi_canuto: you got a funny reaction
ablang: it happened all of a sudden
ablang: matigas
mayumi_canuto: i unhooked it already
mayumi_canuto: do you wish me to proceed?
ablang: oooh
ablang: YES!
ablang: I think I need more room
mayumi_canuto: still there
ablang: yes
mayumi_canuto: do you want me to remove?
ablang: YES!
mayumi_canuto: show evidence?
ablang: yes please
ablang: oh my god
mayumi_canuto: ok then
mayumi_canuto: so my baby will allow me to sleep now?
ablang: yes
mayumi_canuto: or wants to have some more?
ablang: no
ablang: remove more
mayumi_canuto: that could cost a lot you know
ablang: how much?
mayumi_canuto: it is cold here
mayumi_canuto: enough now
ablang: do I have to make a bargain w/ the devil?
ablang: holy hell
mayumi_canuto: nope
ablang: I see your 2 moles
ablang: You look very hot
ablang: soldier agrees
ablang: although he has resumed 'at ease'
ablang: He'll probably have to repeat his exercises after you go sleep
mayumi_canuto: ok
mayumi_canuto: enough now
mayumi_canuto: getting a bit cold here
ablang: sorry
mayumi_canuto: np
ablang: thank you. It was very hot.
mayumi_canuto: my husband
mayumi_canuto: i wish I could give you more
ablang: cold for you, hot for me
mayumi_canuto: hehehehe
ablang: thank you Mayumi
ablang: I loved it
mayumi_canuto: if I showed the bosom it might disturb you more
mayumi_canuto: so better not now
mayumi_canuto: more to come
ablang: or is it 'more to cum'?
ablang: ;)
mayumi_canuto: bastos
ablang: laugh again
ablang: you have a lot of impudent behavior to correct of me
mayumi_canuto: ok with your wife
ablang: I hope so, even w/ the dirty laundry thing
mayumi_canuto: that one I still need to extract
mayumi_canuto: info from you
ablang: I'm not telling
ablang: I don't want to risk losing you
mayumi_canuto: oh yeah
ablang: I don't want you to run away or stop communicating w/ me
ablang: would you?
mayumi_canuto: because of a dirty laundry secret?
mayumi_canuto: i think not
ablang: or catching me red-handed
mayumi_canuto: smelling my undies?
mayumi_canuto: i will slap your butt
ablang: does my face telegraph it
ablang: multiple times?
mayumi_canuto: yes
ablang: thank you
ablang: what I had in mind was more insidious.
ablang: you're close
ablang: CRB
ablang: I'm back
ablang: you still thinking?
ablang: or you left already?
ablang: you ran away?
ablang: keyboard frozen?
ablang: alright. good night then
2006-11-13 04:12:47 UTC
ablang: Thanks again to my wife for her dedication and commitment to
our relationship.
ablang: I love her very much (that's you Mayumi).
mayumi_canuto: hey baby
mayumi_canuto: you startled me
mayumi_canuto: :))
mayumi_canuto: but I love you back
mayumi_canuto: and front
ablang: I'm going to sleep earlier today my love
ablang: I feel like I might be getting the flu or fever now
ablang: I took some NyQuil about 30 mins ago
mayumi_canuto: oh my
mayumi_canuto: oh
mayumi_canuto: what happened?
ablang: I've got a Manila-sized headache coming on, and I have aches in
my legs and mid-section
mayumi_canuto: oh my
mayumi_canuto: did you do anything stressful today?
ablang: No, just went bike riding shortly after us
ablang: It was a high of 70F
mayumi_canuto: oh
mayumi_canuto: as for my end, nothing
mayumi_canuto: feeling ok
mayumi_canuto: funny
mayumi_canuto: and am back in the office
mayumi_canuto: ;;)
ablang: right now, my glasses feel like a vice grip on my head
ablang: no more runs?
mayumi_canuto: oh my poor hubby
mayumi_canuto: no more runs
mayumi_canuto: you need a nice firm massage
ablang: I'm supposed to work OT tom
mayumi_canuto: on the temples
mayumi_canuto: and on your shoulders
mayumi_canuto: plus legs
mayumi_canuto: oh my
mayumi_canuto: you need to rest
ablang: I know, but I did want to let you know
mayumi_canuto: I wish I was there to take care of you
ablang: I feel really tired and weak
mayumi_canuto: I am sorry baby
mayumi_canuto: so sorry
ablang: It's ok
ablang: I wouldn't mind calling in sick tom, but they really need me
ablang: I will have to see how I feel tom morning
mayumi_canuto: just take it easy alright?
mayumi_canuto: you promise me?
ablang: tonight?
mayumi_canuto: tonight and tomorrow
mayumi_canuto: take things easy
ablang: I'll try. But not being home isn't exactly rest
ablang: Just being out of the house is work
mayumi_canuto: yes, i understand
mayumi_canuto: i love you so much
ablang: I love you Mayumi
mayumi_canuto: been thinking about you all this time
ablang: These symptoms I just felt about 2-3 hrs ago
mayumi_canuto: and was recalling the nice laugh you had
mayumi_canuto: oh my
mayumi_canuto: my poor hubby
ablang: ooohhh. my head is starting now.
mayumi_canuto: go now baby
mayumi_canuto: you need to rest
ablang: I hope this NyQuil knocks me out
mayumi_canuto: i loveyou
ablang: otherwise, I'm going to suffer.
ablang: I love you Mayumi
ablang: PLease pray for me
mayumi_canuto: I love you Ron
mayumi_canuto: I will baby
mayumi_canuto: I will, always
mayumi_canuto: :-*
ablang: Good night my dear sweet wife
ablang: I wish I could give you more tonight
mayumi_canuto: goodnight husband
ablang: <smooch>
mayumi_canuto: no problem baby, I understand
mayumi_canuto: rest well, be well
ablang: have a good day at work
mayumi_canuto: Yumi loves you
mayumi_canuto: >:D<:-*
ablang: Ron loves you!
mayumi_canuto: i will sweetheart
ablang: bye
mayumi_canuto: Love you
ablang: my lov e
ablang: love
mayumi_canuto: bye baby
mayumi_canuto: love you
ablang: bye
